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Driving to Mbabane is a common occurrence in my life, however, what I have noted is that numerous men get angry at being overtaken by a woman driver.

The drive from Manzini up Malagwane Hill has nothing challenging in it, however, once you reach the dip to climb Malagwane it is when the power of any vehicle and the expertise of its driver are tested. If you overtake them in their government Chevrolet vehicles you can actually feel the ‘desperation’ for them to overtake you to show you that they are ‘men’. This sort of men divulge so much to one about themselves. They believe that because you are a woman you should not be overtaking them nor driving faster nor better than them. What they don’t seem to realise is that there are vehicles with road holding, speed and agility like no other irrespective of their year of manufacture.
My humble opinion of a proper man in this instance would be one that accepts, embraces and appreciates the fact that there are women not only with faster vehicles, but women who have attributes such as being focused, self sufficient and poised which women do not need money from these men. How beautiful it would be if the mentally ‘I am a man therefore you must respect me by not overtaking me’ was altered.

Gone are the days when women were solely for domestic ‘use’.
This sort of man has already informed one that in his homestead he expects everybody to just agree to everything he says and to jump and serve him without question. This person may also have traits of being a ‘control freak’ besides demanding that his word be the only word at home. Instead of strengthening his argument, he will raise his voice, something which shows someone who fears being challenged and finds a specific type of woman a threat. He will not be afraid to use force to get others to obey him. Today that sort of behaviour is called ‘abuse’.
It is also not uncommon for this man, once he has overtaken you to stay on the fast lane to ensure that you do not get the opportunity to once again overtake him; he has to win at all cost.

This woman has wounded his ego before his passengers and those who witnessed the event. This sort of behaviour shows just how insecure this particular man is. Take away his position at work and to me even; he does not know who he is and what qualities he can share with the world to make it a better place. A man who knows his potential gracefully accepts that others have attributes he may not yet possess and knows that what he has to offer is different to any other in the world. An amazing man is one who does not feel threatened by a career woman. He encourages her to do better and stands besides her always knowing that he is her pillar of support.
We all know the love vibration or the hate vibration; all most people have to do is to learn to ‘merge’ with others when looking at them and once that is done, one will know exactly what the other is feeling.


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