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HAVE you ever felt like people are judging your behaviour? Why do people make others feel apologetic about their decisions? Have you ever felt anxious when thinking this way? Most people become so engrossed with the opinions of others that it becomes a limitation.

Whom people choose to associate with is really no one else’s business. Intentionally devastating one’s self-esteem is egoistic and completely immature.

Populaces who are unable to mind their own business are most likely internally miserable. They pursue to find fault within others just to make themselves feel superior. I believe there is only so much advice you can give without invading one’s privacy. Even if you do not agree with what someone else is doing sometimes, you have to take a backseat and let them make their own decisions.

We are too quick to judge other people’s shortcomings, although reluctant to look internally and evaluate ours. Sometimes we have nothing better to do than to gossip about others and seek to cause trouble because we thrive on spectacle. Such people need to get a reality check and realise that this is an immature way to go about life. It is a chief cause of stress for others.

If you are not close friends with a person and you do not personally know him or her, then do not make the mistake of letting his or her opinions and attitudes persuade you. They tend to lead boring lives and have no excitement in their own, so they act in this manner to create something out of nothing. They seek to satisfy the gap in their lives by discussing lives of others and judging them harshly, so that they can feel better about their hidden mistakes.

Some people in your life will always have your best interest at heart, for those you can value their opinions. However, there are people in your life who seem to be on your side, but when push comes to shove, they will judge you harder than your worst critic. They are detrimental and will relish in your shortcomings while continuously pointing them out every chance they have.

Maintaining workplace boundaries is not easy, especially when one’s co-workers don’t believe in doing so. Professionalism at workplaces is not restricted to efficiently completing the tasks at hand, but also in the way you deal with your colleagues. Dealing with people you work with on a daily basis is a tightrope walk.

One has to be careful between bending over backward on one hand and tactfully dealing with a given situation on the other. Offices generally do not have pre-defined policies on maintaining workplace boundaries. So the onus of defining the kind of relationship you will have with your colleagues is an individual call.

Why are we so concerned about persons minding our business? If you are happy with who you are as a person, other people’s opinions should not even faze you. Everyone has their own battles to fight and insecurities to face and these challenges would be a lot easier to overcome if other people were not forcing their unwarranted opinions onto them.

Why is this a difficult concept for people to grasp? Does it seriously need common sense? Even if people care, most of them are ill-equipped to give advice based on another person’s needs and typically want to feel as if someone is listening to them. Giving advice is usually about the ego of the advice-giver, not the feelings of the person being given the advice.

My personal advice is that the best way to tackle inquisitive people is to ignore them and to let them say what they say and keep moving on with your life. This will hopefully set them right. Do not lose your temper for such people, as some do it unknowingly and some do it knowingly to infuriate you.

It is unfortunately a way of life; you will come across many folks like this, it is better to keep your mind cool and to respond to those whom you feel are important to you so that they may talk sense to you and about you.

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