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LIFE is composed of a series of decisions or choices that are usually key to reaching our preferred destiny. Decisions or choices have a way of minimising or maximising our potential. Some decisions are life altering and have the potential of positively or negatively impacting our destiny.

Choice is the act of selecting from two or more things that which is preferred. It is the determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another. All of us have the right and privilege to make informed decisions or choices in life.

A decision is the act of making up your mind about something. God has blessed all of us with the power of choice. The choices we make in life are important because they frame our future. We may not have the choice on who should be our biological parents or where we were born, nevertheless we can exercise the power of choice over so many other things in life. We can choose the career we want to pursue, the friendships we want to embrace or who we want to marry. In the context of fulfilling destiny, quality choices and decisions are fundamental.

The first quality decision we need to make is the decision to take charge of our own life. We must be willing to make choices that enhance our sense of responsibility. Success at every level requires responsibility. Taking responsibility for your own life is foundational to living an effective life. All successful people possess the quality of having the ability to take on responsibility.

Winston Churchill said; “The price of greatness is responsibility.” Every opportunity in life requires the same measure of responsibility.
The greater the gift or opportunity, the greater the responsibility. At the point where we stop being responsible, is also at the point where we miss our opportunities. Every time we increase our responsibility levels, we also maximise our potential and opportunities. Life is not just something that happens to us; we must take charge and be in control.

We must not just go through life reacting to the words or actions of others around us, rather take control of the direction our lives should take. To take control of the direction of your life is to take responsibility for yourself and your everyday activities. People or circumstances should not be allowed to take control of our lives and our future.

Make a choice to be responsible for the control of the things that are within your control. When we stop the blame game, take charge and make choices that matter, our lives will begin to change for the better. You do not need someone’s permission to do what you know is right and productive for you.

Take charge of that which you are able to control and leave what you can’t control in the hands of God. We must all understand the boundaries of our responsibility so that we do not create unnecessary pain, suffering and waste a lot of time and energy on nonessentials.
Eric Greitens said; “At the root of resilience is the willingness to take responsibility for results.” The more responsibility we take, the more resilient we will become in life.

Responsibility builds capacity and maximises our potential.
The other choice that is important and foundational to a maximised and effective lifestyle is the choice to build quality and good character. John Maxwell says; “Our values determine our character, and our character determines the direction we will go in life.” Values are the foundation for character because values are usually stable in our lives while our beliefs may keep on changing.

Character is important because it provides the foundation for success. Therefore it is imperative that we make choices that enhance, build and develop character capacity. In order to build character we must make choices in life based on values. Steve R Covey said; “As you live your values, your sense of identity, integrity, control, and inner-directedness will infuse you with both exhilaration and peace.
‘‘You will define yourself from within, rather than by people’s opinions or by comparisons to others.” Every time we make a choice to do something right based on positive values, our character grows and develops.

However, every time we choose to compromise on our values, cut corners or do something opposite to what we know to be right, it withers our character. Our character actually speaks louder than our words.

We are a sum total of the choices we make every day. Good character is consistent regardless of context, circumstances, or setting. When you possess good character, bad times do not discourage you; instead they make you more resilient.
We must not only make quality choices that build character based on positive values, but also make choices that make us believe in ourselves and the potential within us.

Believe in your potential be confident in your gifts and talents. Choose to see life as exciting, adventurous, and rewarding.

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