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Going through the various media news reports on Zimbabwe, there is a lot of lessons learnt, so many adages and principles came to fruition such as; patience pays, do not judge the book by its cover, we learn until we die, there is a silver lining in every dark cloud and in politics there is no one size fit all solutions.

Above all, for those of us who read and believe in the Holy Bible, we know from reading the Holy Book that God always has a solution for his peoples’ sufferings, particularly when they are under undue hardship, suppression, oppression, impoverishment, denied of economic freedom, denied free exercise of their fundamental rights, exploited by the leadership they trusted with their mandate to lead them. There are many such stories in the Bible that prove this assertion.

The Zimbabwean army has opened a new page and an invaluable lesson to be learnt by many military units globally. That leasson being that the limited mandate of the army, which is to protect and defend their countries against foreign an external aggression and to protect the sovereign boundaries of the countries they serve in, is not enough, as they refused to be silent and look the other way when they saw their country being relegated to economic abyss by the leadership to the detriment of the people.

They took an unprecedented and well-calculated peaceful method and without any drop of blood, initiated a dialogue process among all Zimbabwean political stakeholders to find a home grown solution to the long outstanding political impasse that saw a country that was once an economic giant; a beacon of hope and the African bread basket turning to a junk status country with all the natural resources it has.
The cut above the rest in this unprecedented move, they focused on the issues and still respected all by preserving the commander in chief and continued to see him as having a role in assisting them to finding a peaceful solution for the Zimbabweans.

 This approach by the Zimbabwean army has left the world with no option but to give this process a chance even though under  normal circumstances - when an army interferes with the governance of a country it is described a coup de tat and ‘they would be sending army troops from international bodies such as the United Nations and African Union to intervene, but their approach has been so smooth that all international bodies are giving some space for the internal process while SADC is also considering close monitoring and ready to intervene through a dialogue process.

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