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LIFE is about working and thinking together in order to bring out the best in others, our communities and nation. The law of significance demands that we understand that one cannot attain or achieve greatness alone.

One cannot do anything of significance alone. In every sphere of life teamwork is important because it involves more people, consequently providing more ideas, resources and strength compared to an individual effort. Our potential and strengths are usually maximised in a team especially when strategising on how to meet needs in our families, communities or nation.

Teamwork does more than an individual effort because of combined energy, ideas and multiple perspectives. Since working as a team produces better results, we must all endeavour to put away attitudes and character traits that kill or hinder teamwork.

Ego is an anti social vice that has been so instrumental in hindering teamwork in families, communities and nations of the world. We must all be willing to admit that we are not gifted, talented or wise enough to do everything. Andrew Carnegie said, “It marks a big step in your development when you come to realise that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.”

Usually our dreams and visions are bigger than our capabilities, resources or gifts; we need others to complement us. We can achieve more if we put aside our egos and learn to work with others instead of working against them. To make life work in our homes or our workplaces, we must learn how to lean on and support each other. As much as you need someone, someone also needs you.

Insecurity is a hindrance to teamwork. An insecure person lacks self confidence or assurance, and may exhibit signs of fear or mental instability. Insecurity and jealousy are what makes many hinder the promotion of others in workplaces. Insecure people are full of competition, envy and suspicion.

Suspicion is the act of suspecting something about someone; the imagination or apprehension of the existence of something without proof, or upon very slight evidence. Suspicion is casting doubt on someone’s honesty or motive in such a way that it discourages and demotivates them.

Suspicion and insecurity will usually give birth to deep selfishness and ultimately sabotage teamwork. We must divorce insecurity and learn to be confident in ourselves and refuse to feel threatened by other people’s abilities, gifts or talents.

In order to be an effective team player, it is imperative for one to be able to see the bigger picture. Teamwork is not about you, it’s about what we need to accomplish together. Whatever we desire to see happening, teamwork will bring it to pass. The price of vision is teamwork. If a family, a community or nation wants to reach its potential, each one of its members must be willing to put aside their egos and insecurities; and be willing to subordinate their personal agendas to the good of their communities and nation.

You cannot do your own thing if you understand your obligations and responsibilities to your family, community and nation. When we understand teamwork, and our responsibilities in the team, our freedom to do our own selfish and individualistic thing ends. Michael Jordan said, “There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and never win titles. Most of the time, those players aren’t willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. One thing I believe to the fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves.” Great teamwork requires that all team members’ efforts flow in a single direction, consequently producing desired results.

One of the great key ingredients to teamwork is trust. Trust is a non-negotiable ingredient in teamwork. Though trust usually leaves us vulnerable, it’s what really connects us to one another in relationships and teamwork. Trust is the environment that creates the feel of community in teamwork. In a strong community, team members can resolve or sort out issues without dissolving or breaking relationships.

Commitment and conviction are essential ingredients for effective teamwork. We must be convinced that together we can achieve more. Commitment is that quality in us that keeps us going even when the going gets tough. It is a trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose. Commitment is the act of binding yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally to a course of action. We all must endeavor to keep the bond of unity in our thoughts, words and actions. Unity is power.

We urgently need selfless, generous, loyal and interdependent people in our families, communities, and nation. The strength of any nation depends on the ability of its citizens to think and work together at different levels and spheres of life. As a nation aspiring to achieve vision 2022, we need more team players who understand their obligations and responsibilities in order for us to move forward into the realisation of the vision.

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