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“HUMBLE yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time,” 1 Peter 5:6. Reader, let me greet you today with an apology, particularly to those who have over the past two years been following this brief column with interest.

For I am really sorry that recently its appearance has been getting less and less regular. The reasons are both various and unavoidable; one of them being the fact that I have recently been quite busy with the work of God outside Eswatini.

In fact I happened to turn 71 years old outside the country; and while meditating about my age and the fact I was in a foreign land in another continent and among people whose language I could hardly understand, it once again dawned on me that God is in fact not in a hurry in whatever He does. He does His things ‘in due time’.

The scripture I have quoted above comes from a letter written by Peter the Apostle to the scattered Christians in Asia Minor back in 63 or 64 AD. It was during the time when Christians were being persecuted for believing in Jesus Christ and preaching and spreading His gospel. Among other things, in this letter Peter encourages and also guides both the youth and the elders in the church in the midst of  all the trials and sufferings, saying; “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.”

Reader, there is quite a lot that the apostle is saying in these words to the church? But because of space I would like to refer only  to the last three words: ‘in due time’. This is a time when a thing is supposed to happen according to God; God’s time; a time under the mighty hand of God; a time known  to God.

One day when Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, He told them: “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power,” Acts 1:7. The ‘when’ of things is in the able hands of God. The ‘when’ of your marriage or your employment or your project or your going abroad or the falling of your enemy is in the able hands of God. You may be in a hurry, but God is not in a hurry. For He and He alone is in control. For He has said; “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last,” Rev.22:13.

Talking for myself reader, if I were to be given two ways of doing a thing that God has promised, the one way longer than the other, I would choose the longer way. I know it sounds rather foolish; but I believe that, that is where God is. I believe He is not in a hurry. God does not panic because He is in control of the beginning and He is in control of the end. And “He hath made everything beautiful in his time” (Eccl.3:11).

So what am I saying to you today reader? Among other things I am saying it is elections time, but don’t rush and break your neck or other people’s necks to get to Parliament. Wait for God. He will ‘exalt you in due time’. He will make it beautiful ‘in His time’. And let us leave the rest on this subject for next week. And do have a lovely weekend, Amen.

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