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LAST week we talked about companionship as one of the purposes of marriage; the husband need not be lonely when his wife is beside him, likewise the wife. God gave married couples a wonderful gift of companionship to be enjoyed by the two

. Another important purpose of marriage to consider is that of procreation. God Almighty created the earth to be inhabited. After putting in place the earth and its foundations, He commanded all living things to produce after their kind. God could have filled the earth at once by His spoken Word, but He chose to empower His creation, including human beings, to procreate according to their kind. 

From the beginning, the Bible places man and woman at the pinnacle of God’s creation. Man and woman were given the mandate to be fruitful, to multiply and rule over the earth and the animal kingdom. Blessing procreation began with a blessing on the couple by the Creator. In Genesis 1: 28, God blessed them and said to them; “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”

The blessing that the Creator placed on the couple empowered them to succeed in this enormous quest of filling the earth. It empowered them to experience fruitfulness and not to be barren in whatever they endeavoured to do in accomplishing the task at hand. Even today, God our heavenly Father has placed a blessing upon mankind to produce the fruit of the womb, which the Holy Bible calls an inheritance from the Lord. Children born to the husband and wife can either be male or female and regardless of the gender, they are to be loved and raised in a godly fashion.

When God made both man and woman, He made them in his image, and none resembled God more than the other. Therefore, children, whether boys or girls, born in a family, are to be equally accepted and loved as a result of procreation!

Procreation is the only means by which we can fulfil the mandate of filling the earth and increasing in number. And it is godly to have children, so we can spread and occupy. It is perhaps why God had to confuse our forefathers with different languages when they resorted to concentrate on one location and build a tower towards the heavens. They were directly going against the vision of God to fill the earth.


I must, however, caution that children are enjoyed and tend to fare better when born within the parameters of marriage. And it is within that context that we advocate for children to be born and raised.
Any deviation from the original plan of the divine architect spells disaster for our country, continent and the world over. Today we have far too many children born out of wedlock and growing without their biological parents. This has caused a lot of strain on governments, local and international organisations as they try to step in and ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to reach adulthood and make a decent living. When God created man and woman, He had in mind family relationships, which is the basis of a godly family. This is another purpose of marriage which we spoke about earlier; ‘for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife’. This indicates how the pioneer of marriage considers a godly family and His intent to use this institution in the raising of children.

A family is made of the husband and the wife joined in holy matrimony. Any other understanding, approach, philosophy and practice contrary to the one stipulated in the Holy Bible is deemed ungodly, irrespective of origin.


It must be pointed out that God expected the couple to consecrate all things in the earth to Him and to manage everything in a God-glorifying manner, as they fulfilled the divine purpose. The future of the earth was placed under the couple’s dominion, however, when they fell into sin, they brought ruin, infertility, void and suffering to what God had created (Romans 8: 18-22).

I wish to appeal to all and humbly beseech that we re-visit the manual of manuals to redress our societal issues and see if things cannot change for the better. To drive the point home, I believe that children begotten where there is a committed father (husband) and mother (wife) have a fair chance of a better future and will subsequently carry-on the button of procreation when they themselves are older and married.

Imphilo Yelikhaya Nekwakhiwa Kwalo advocates for moral vision for Eswatini. This will provide a reliable compass as we navigate life and challenges thereof, and ultimately lead us to the manual of life (Holy Bible).

Procreation will not be possible if we continue in an ungodly pathway and allow local and international organisations to define marriage and the purpose thereof. Procreation is God-ordained and every married couple must be bothered by it. Next week we will talk about the third purpose of marriage. God bless you!  

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