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“AND the man of God said; ‘Where fell it’? And he showed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim,” 2 Kings 6: 6. Dear reader, the Bible is a long story of God being God. God is God, and He is good enough to meet any need.

For if the head of a borrowed axe accidentally fell into the river Jordan; and if a man of God threw a stick into the water to retrieve the head of the borrowed axe; and if thereafter that ‘iron did swim’; then I don’t know about you reader, but to me God is God.Reader it was after I had been born again and my legal practice had closed down that my younger brother Tsatsumbuso was given a lift by a man who asked him about my whereabouts and my welfare. Among other things my brother told the man that I had been born again. The man retorted in these words; “It cannot be true; not that man!”

In those seven words that man accurately depicted my life as it then was reader. Although I had been brought up by an intercessor and God-fearing grandmother; and though I had spent my formative years serving in church with missionaries molding me spiritually, my life had subsequently gone wayward.
I had steered away from God. And though many may have envied my lifestyle, inside me was a crisis; I was hungry for something I could not explain.
The big cars, the big houses, the big name soon became meaningless and tasteless to me. I needed a way out of it all; out of liquor and drunkenness; out of breaking the hearts of those who loved me; out of that superficial and empty life I was living.

Thank God that in the middle of that crisis, someone was crying to God for me. Unknown to me, a prayer was constantly rising to God from what I would have thought was an unlikely source: my loving stepmother. I heard later that with the support of other intercessors in her church she relentlessly prayed to God for me to be saved. And reader, it is now history that many years later, at the age of 47 years, ‘the iron did swim’ in my life.
What had seemed impossible to the good Samaritan man, who had given my brother a lift, was not only possible but was also so easy with God. Reader, do “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” Proverbs 22: 6. He might stray for a while, but have faith in God; ‘the iron did swim’.

Another man was relaxing and watching television one Saturday evening, and had his pack of beers and his packet of cigarettes next to him. He saw me on television, and heard me testifying to the fact that I had given my life to Jesus Christ, and had been born again. He responded in these words; “If Mathse can be saved, I can also be saved.” He then ordered his children to take away the beer cans and the cigarettes from him, and went to bed.

The following day he got up and looked for the church in which I had been testifying, gave himself to Jesus Christ and was born again. He subsequently became a church leader, and he and his house have been joyfully serving the Lord to this day; Amen. I am Reverend David Jabulani Mathse of The Family of God Church International, Matsapha. Have a blessed weekend.

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