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We are witnessing real and virtual pandemonium in these last days. Unsuspecting churches and denominations have opened their doors to shame and reproach.Many of them have very impressive buildings but the characters therein are not impressive.And it is very concerning.

Now this past week that new shound that has an acute sense for stories, one Mbongiseni Ndzimandze informed us that the glossy structure that the congregants of the Metropolitan Evangelical Church use to worship was almost turned into a boxing ring.

To give the reader a bit of background, it was reported that the church had gathered on what they like to call a conference. The church is reportedly being led by an interim Board. However, that is immaterial to me. What pained me was the division.
As reported, factionalism took over and the conference was never smooth hence the police were allegedly called to intervene.


If you ask me, I do not care and I do not know who was in the wrong in the whole matter. But such a scenario reminded one of a certain process that is scientifically used to find facts from people. They are subjected to a polygraph. Some call it a lie-detector test. It is a device that measures and records several physiological variables such as blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and skin conductivity while a series of questions is being posed to a subject in an attempt to detect lies.

Now I have disclosed before whether directly or indirectly, that I stand on the side of truth. I stand with those who speak the truth even if it seems unsafe to side with them. I know it carries a rainbow of advantages. Like I said, I do not know who is right or wrong in the Metropolitan debacle. The courts will eventually issue a determination regarding that.

My gripe is the fact that people who profess to be Christians have shamefully failed to resolve issues hence the court route.
So they cannot sit around the table and accept or seek counsel from reputable men of God. Yes it is increasingly becoming difficult to identify one that is following the example of Christ in these god-forsaken days. But I can state with conviction that there are men who took the cloth for all the right reasons. Not for fame.

Not for riches. Not for shiny and monstrous cars but for the gospel of Christ. And they would humbly offer advice in such matters. They would not even charge the astronomical figures that come with the legal route.
Again they would not run to the media with differences that simmer within the house of the Lord.
These are real men of God not just synthetic substitutes devoid of any actual substance as a sugar-free soft drink. For those unaware there are soft drinks that are said to be sugar- free but they are still sweet.

Yet when you scrutinise the list of ingredients,there is not even one that is sweet to suggest that it was the ‘sugar’.
The act of taking each other to court is actually a confirmation that some among those leading the flock must be subjected to the polygraph before they take the cloth.Their conduct is depressing.They could not be honest with themselves and still be expected to be faithful to our God and the churches they lead. It is such connivers that give Christianity a bad name.

They cause the hearthens to view such an awesome religion as one that is without creed. They are the reason why other people view Christianity as  impotent and adulterated by constant power struggle. It is such kind of conduct that blurs the good of the gospel. It seriously blunts the force of the Christian life. It is badly corrupting the saving message that real men of God preach.

Such stories further reminded me of what they call Narco Analysis. It is a process used to find the truthfulness or otherwise in a subject as well.
However, in Narco Analysis, the subject’s imagination is neutralised by making him semi-conscious.


In this state, it becomes difficult for him to lie and his answers would be restricted to facts he is already aware of. The experts inject the subject with a substance called Sodium Pentothal.

And he is not in position to speak on his own but answer specific but simple questions. This would enable the church to see the pack of wolfs that is beset with the tendency of hiding behind the cloth. It is an extreme measure. But what do you do when the proverbial calling has been blurred and overcrowded with hyenas?

There is a struggle for power that seems to have gripped the church since the dawn of the new millenium. And when looked at closely,it has a tendency to underemphasize the traditional means of spiritual growth:that is prayer, bible study, the teaching of the word, persevering in obedience and the fellowship of other believers. And it regretfully but intently points in one direction and that is insincerity.

Two fallacies are predominantly lurking in these last days. Both bitterly but utterly render the gospel as a zone where one flexes their popularity muscle.


Firstly, the church has become a place where the real message of the gospel and Christ’s atonement for our sins is coldy abandoned in pursuit of positions. Secondly, it has become crystally clear that the historical and biblical Jesus has been pushed aside in favour of the present-day Jesus who understands that his principles can be compromised at the convenience of his supposed followers.
The call for His consequent right to demand lordship over our lives has become an incidental issue. It is no longer the primary matter that should be bothering the church.

The dearly departed Reverend Kaiser Fakudze who sacrificed his life under that unfriendly weather of eKhwezi would cringe in embarrassment if he were to learn that the flock he diligently led and served is now jostling for power instead of lost souls. He would be shocked to learn that in his own denomination which he represented with distinction,  members were threatening each other in a quest to lead. Not to serve.

One of the characteristics that made Jesus Christ distinct while on earth was the dedication to servanthood. He was rightly and deservingly mighty but never was He served. Instead, He became the faithful and humble servant.
I have mentioned it umpteen times that He is the example that we should be seeking to emulate.


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