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As the year has progressed, beams of optimism and hope that the previous status quo attempts to return have begun to emerge through the dark clouds of this global pandemic. 

The word ‘easy’ does not feature in the description of how this period has been and with substantial confidence, it can be said this statement resonates with many people, both young and senior.

The focus of this column is mental health and this particular article does not stray from this topic. When this pandemic hit, it would be out of infantile naivety to even think that our lives were going so well, we did not have any pre-existing psychological exertions. 

By that I mean your stress levels could have been already high because of family problems or workplace issues, maybe you were already dealing with self-esteem issues after a failed relationship that was causing you bouts of ‘depression-themed’ mood swings, or maybe your son was suicidal and that anxiety of possibly losing him was being carried by weight on your shoulders as his mother. 

The point here being, there is a wide variety of mental health issues one could have been already carrying from previous years and because of that, could have been already in the process of taking their toll on the psychology of the individual.

Free your imagination for 10 seconds and imagine adding to all that the psychological impact of a global pandemic, the size and magnitude of the one we are currently in the process of adjusting to. 


The sort of impact where no sphere of society was spared, and in the process, left very few sectors of our society with a pulse. For dramatic purposes, this would seem similar to what that iceberg did to the Titanic, or Godzilla blowing out birthday candles on a cake. The result is either way very devastating.

This pandemic was in no ways foreseen but how it has affected our society and the people in it will forever be remembered. 

It has taught us new ways of looking at life, which has subsequently led to us being innovative while we do so. It is easy to psychologically succumb to the demands of a situation you may be going through but because, how you deal with a situation all begins in the mind, it is equally vital to ensure your psychological stability and capabilities are maintained in order to be able to cope coherently and rationally with these demands.

It is also important that we, as individuals, maintain a togetherness and emotional sanctuary for one another. Family, close friends, couples and co-workers need to do better in genuinely being there, showing greater care and concern for one another. 

Few gifts come greater than the knowledge that there is someone I can ‘offload’ to and tell my story without the worry that it might turn into a discussion topic at other tables. I feel this is one of the many areas our moral fabric as a society could improve on in the bid to destroy the negative mental health narratives and stereotypes and yes, we can do better.

Although, some of your surroundings may still be on lockdown, do not allow your mind to be too. The pursuit of your passions must not halt but instead may they stray farther. Keep in contact with your loved ones and find out how they are doing. Wear your favourite lipstick and raise your confidence (keep your mask on though) and even though the exact day is not known, things will eventually get better.

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