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Last week we talked about investing in your husband’s leadership skills and highlighted a few points on how best that can be done.

Leadership is paramount in every household, without it there is no structure in the home. The leadership pattern in marriage is God-ordained and is foundational for families to thrive. Your husband’s leadership provides a platform for your family to flourish. It is also the basis for all other investments that can be done, including investing in his career development. Women from all walks of life have selflessly supported their husbands in their career progression, hence others have coined the statement ‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman’. How true this is for we owe our successes to the strong women in our lives.


I wish to encourage every wife out there not to take light the role you play towards your husband’s career development. Your being there for your husband, encouraging him to go for that course because it will set him up for the next step of career development and helping him to fill in that application for a promotion is all part of the investment towards the success of the home. Your demeanor towards your husband is either a springboard or a sponge to his professional growth. A man who is highly regarded by his wife and family can fend any challenge before him. He can be respected by all, but if he is disrespected by his wife, all is vanity – it is your steady support that matters the most.

Investing in your husband’s career progression does not necessarily mean you have to stall yours, however, it might mean priorities might be altered. Husband and wife are not in a competition, but they are there to complement each other. A win for one is a win for all. As your husband climbs the ladder of success, you should be filled with excitement, not envy because you are part of the process. After all, it is your sacrifices which enable him to focus on the goal ahead and have less stresses and anxiety.


Another area of importance to invest in is that of your husband’s health and mental wellness. The older we become, the more careful we must be with our health and wellness. You invest in your husband’s health by ensuring that he eats a well-balanced diet and drinks a lot of fluids, particularly water. Eating well is a good habit and ensures a healthy lifestyle; watching what your husband eats is your responsibility as the wife. I encourage you to prepare him a healthy packed lunch to avoid buying food which might compromise his health. We are what we eat. Eating well can be medicine to avert the many illnesses we experience today.


Investing in your husband’s health has many returns as he will be present for the daily marriage activities – to be ill is to be absent. Eating well is part of ensuring our good health. Regular physical exercise is also vital. The lifestyle many lead today is void of any physical activity, our forefathers never needed much exercise, yet they were physically fitter than us. This is because they walked, we drive or use public transport; they did a lot of manual work for their livelihood, we sit for prolonged hours in offices and meetings. See to it that your husband at least walks if he is unable to jog or go to the gym.

Most importantly, do it together; exercise together as this will ensure not only health but fitness to your husband’s life and will also give you time together. You are the suitable helper that he needs to maintain his health – invest in him so you can enjoy quality life, even if it may be cut short, but at least you would have both been present, energetic, and alive. Life is short, make the most of it; it is often said it is not how long you have lived that matters, but how well you have lived. Your health is your wealth; a healthy husband will be able to take good care of his wife’s needs; physical, emotional, social and spiritual.


Another area of importance to invest in is that of mental wellness – we are living in the most strenuous times. The industrial era has ushered in a new culture of workaholics, more work, less sleep, where only the early bird catches the worm. Managing your husband’s stress levels will improve his mental wellness and make him cope better with the demands of the work environment. You invest in your husband’s mental wellness by being an antidote to an otherwise stressful life. Do not burden your husband with endless demands of luxuries and pampering, rather be understanding of the seasons of your lives. You can invest in your husband’s mental wellness by being intimate with him, sex is a stress remover. Sex can help you relax and take your mind off everyday worries and anxieties. During sex, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin, and these feel-good hormones create feelings of relaxation and intimacy, as well as helping to starve off anxiety and depression. You are a suitable helper for your husband, play your part. Send comments to adminsec@mbac.co.sz 

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