THE reality of the American Politics is that it does not matter, fundamentally, who you vote for as an American, because ultimately big business wins every election. Someone once described the two major political parties in America as different chicks of the same buttocks. This means before we even start to seriously look at the two ideologies, namely the Conservative (Traditional) Republican political party of Donald Trump, on one hand, and the Progressive (Liberal) Democratic Party on the other hand , we need to know that they are both funded by the same big multinational corporations, who control the world. The interplay between democracy and capitalism, in America is often described as a double-edged sword. On one hand, democracy is fundamentally about representation and ensuring that the voices of citizens are heard in the political arena. On the other hand, capitalism thrives on free markets and private ownership, which can foster significant wealth accumulation. The intersection of these two systems raises critical questions, particularly, regarding the influence of money in political processes. One of the most pressing concerns is the idea that politicians are ‘bought’ and, therefore, cannot effectively serve the interests of the voters.
The role of money in politics
Campaign financing plays a crucial role in American democracy. Running for office is a costly endeavour, requiring significant financial resources for advertising, outreach, and organisational support. This necessity has led to an environment where wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups can exert substantial influence over political candidates. The Supreme Court’s decision in ‘Citizens United v. FEC (2010)’, further amplified this situation by allowing unlimited spending on political campaigns by corporations and unions; equating money with free speech. As a result, politicians often find themselves in a position where they need to rely on significant donations to fund their campaigns, leading to the perception -and often the reality - that these candidates may prioritise the interests of their donors, over those of their constituents. This dynamic can create a disconnection between elected officials and the general populace, undermining the fundamental tenets of democracy.
The impact on representation and governance
When politicians are beholden to wealthy contributors or corporate interests, the efficacy of democracy can be severely compromised. At both the Democratic and Republican Conventions the top VIP and VVIP boxes which cost millions of Dollars, are paid for by the super-rich Corporations and they look down on the simple voters who think they have a real say. Elected officials pursue policies that favour their financial backers, rather than the needs and wishes of their voters. For example, legislation concerning healthcare, education and taxation can become skewed toward benefiting affluent lobbyists at the expense of the average citizen. This misalignment can lead to systemic inequalities, where the voices of the wealthy are amplified, while those of lower-income individuals remain marginalised. Furthermore, the overwhelming presence of money in politics can discourage grassroots movements and the candidacies of everyday individuals, who lack access to significant financial resources. As a result, the political landscape may become less representative of the population as a whole, entrenching existing power structures and making it more challenging for new ideas and perspectives to emerge.
What do Trump conservatives believe?
What do American Donald Trump-conservatives followers believe, in a nutshell? The answer used to be simple. They believe in the genius of capitalism, the importance of US superpower, and the glories of the Judeo-Christian tradition. These are true believers in traditional Christian-living and the hard-working American family. When in doubt, you invoked Ronald Reagan. Basically, Make America great by putting America first and are not interested in policing the world. Unfortunately these are the same American Republican who fight against abolishing slavery, who fight against workers right, who fight against , workers unions, against climate change rhetoric , who fight against women’s right even to vote and they are presently fighting against abortion and gay rights just to mention a few. Do they care too much about Black people? The honest answer would be -not really. The Republicans generally dominate the Southern States, where the African-Americans were mostly enslaved and have somehow found a way of living together with the American Republicans over the years. However, the traditional and historic nature of the true conservative republicans cannot allow them a accept black men, as fully equal. The mass closure of coal mines resulting in massive job losses, have also made true conservative Republicans skeptical of the climate change rhetoric.
What does Harris Democratic Party believe?
The Democratic Party is generally associated with more progressive policies. It supports social and economic equality, favouring greater government intervention in the economy, but opposing government involvement in the private non-economic affairs of citizens. Democrats advocate for the civil rights of minorities, and they support a safety net for individuals backing various social welfare programmess, including Medicaid and food stamps. To fund these programmess and other initiatives, Democrats often endorse progressive tax. In addition, Democrats support environmental protection programmes, gun control, less-strict immigration laws, and worker rights.
Unfortunately, the same Democrats have been heavily criticised for trying to police the world and imposing LGBTQ+ policies, across the world. From around the age of 16, young Americans with a diagnosis of gender incongruence or gender dysphoria, who meet various clinical criteria, may be given gender-affirming hormones, alongside psychosocial and psychological support. In simple language, if a sixteen-year-old child feels he (Male) is a she (Female) then he is allowed to do a sex change. There are cases in the State of California, where children were forcedly taken from parents who refuse to allow the sex change. California become the first State to ban Student Gender Notification Policies. Governor. Gavin Newsom signed this Bill, which prevents educators from having to notify parents if their child asks to switch names or pronouns.
The tension between democracy and capitalism in America is exemplified by the pervasive influence of money in politics. While capitalism encourages free enterprise and innovation, it can also lead to the erosion of democratic principles, when political candidates prioritise their donors over their constituents. On the social and environmental fronts, the two Political parties differ greatly. On one end, we have the pre-Christian Conservative who are not so friendly towards Africa and the black people. On the other hand, the Democratic party and its LGBQ+ Policies don’t seem to go down well with most African countries. Their involvement and control of world politics, including the regime change agendas within the world and Africa, in particular, is also a problem to the world community. Comment
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