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I have come to the sad conclusion that when it comes to geopolitics, everything you see or hear is a diversion, a deception to the real truth. There are puppet masters who have been playing us, the citizens of the world for thousands of years. Each of the many empires that have come and gone has sent a brother to kill a brother, while they sat on the sidelines and watched, waiting to profit from their death. “When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their property”. - African proverb. The Cold War between the Communist Soviet Union and Capitalist America has left deep scars and wounds that continue to fester to this day. The Wall Street Journal states that the number of Ukrainians and Russians killed or wounded in the grinding two-and-a-half-year war has reached roughly one million. One million humans have died or are wounded or displaced because one brother wants to leave home and join forces with a historic family enemy.

The Soviet block and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), which Western European countries have always had some mistrust, but when America joined NATO from across the ocean, things got worse. A study to examine Russian and Ukrainian genealogy by hypervariable segment I (HVS I) sequencing indicated that there were no significant differences found between Russians and Ukrainians when compared to other Europeans. These are blood brothers with very similar histories, languages traditions and cultures.

Ukraine aid’s best-kept secret

A proxy war is a military conflict in which a third parties in this case the United States of America directly or indirectly supports a State, to influence the conflict’s outcome and advance their strategic interests or undermine their opponents. In our case, Russia. They do not want to face Russia.According to the Washington Post, of the US$68 billion in military and related assistance Congress has approved since Russia invaded Ukraine, almost 90 per cent is going to remain in America. This is a staggering amount to spend on one country, by any standard. Approximately E1.2 trillion Emalangeni. Remember, in geopolitics, things are not always what they seem.

At this voting season, both Republicans and Democrats are competing to win working-class votes by campaigning to strengthen the US manufacturing base, the military aid to Ukraine does exactly that — it is providing a major cash infusion into factories across the country that directly benefits American workers. It also creates jobs and opportunities for local suppliers, shops, restaurants and other businesses supporting the factories rolling out weapons. To hell with the dying Russians tough luck to our ‘friends’ the Ukrainians, business is business.   
The United States of America is the puppet master fighting a proxy war with Russia. At the end of the day, the US will come up with another Marshall Plan to rebuild Ukraine with her multinational companies and make billions of dollars more than what they put in. Sadly, American citizens are good people, just not informed about how unsafe and worse off the world is because of the actions of a few fellow American leaders. As they killed ‘dictators’, they also destroyed their countries and took the wealth, leaving only misery for the people. Most wish the dictators were back in power, life was better than the hell left behind.     

Taiwan/China next
US proxy war

The China threat of war against Taiwan is more personal, given that Eswatini is the only country with diplomatic ties with Taiwan in Africa. Currently, Taiwan has 12 diplomatic allies that recognise Taiwan as the ROC (and thus do not have official relations with Beijing Mainland China): Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Holy See, Marshall Islands, Palau, Paraguay, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent, the Grenadines and Tuvalu. These are all tiny insignificant island nations dotted around the world.  Honestly and frankly speaking, Taiwan has lost the Diplomatic war as the whole world recognises mainland China. Like former British Hong Kong, Taiwan should negotiate with favourable teams and return to its motherland before the ‘Chinese brothers’ kill each other. After all, Mainland China has proven that communism with a blend of capitalism can create an economic superpower.

America does not care who dies as long as they profit as capitalists they have never changed. If the Kingdom of Eswatini decided to terminate diplomatic relations with Taiwan in favour of Mainland China, the USA would not allow it. Regime change would be discussed in the corridors of power in the US and Eswatini’s progressive political parties would start getting funding. However, the United States terminated diplomatic relations with the ROC (Taiwan) on January 1, 1979, to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Ironically, the same America would gladly go on a proxy war with China using Taiwan. The question is who stands to benefit the most from such a war?  

Proxy Wars in Africa

Millions of African lives have been lost in the last 50 years of these proxy wars funded by America and its agencies. Shallow graves littered the countryside of Angola (FNLA/UNITA /MPLA ) Mozambique ( Frelimo /Renamo) South Africa (Against the ANC/PAC etc )Libya, Somalia and more recently Sudan. The Sudan case is particularly heartbreaking. Oil in Sudan had been discovered by the United States company ‘Chevron’ but because of the insecurity in the country, due to the beginning of war in 1983, Chevron gave up and left the oil exploitation project in Sudan in 1984. China through China National Petroleum Company (CNPC) took over and since 1999 has invested at least US$15 billion in Sudan. Unfortunately, this perfect cooperation between China and the government of Khartoum was not profitable for the United States of America.

To weaken the power of Khartoum’s regime, the United States decided to finance and support firstly the rebel groups of South Sudan during the second Sudanese civil war, by training and arming the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army headed by John Garang until he died in 2005. In the process of realising this strategy of destabilising Sudan, the south broke away to form a new country.  The announcement of oil discovery in Darfur by Sudan’s government only renewed the agitation of the United States government. We can conclude that the conflict in Darfur which is one of the deadliest proxy wars is between China, Russia, and the United States. Again, African brothers kill each other for two superpowers. Comment septembereswatini@gmail.com

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