PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa’s signing of three highly progressive Bills into law within a very short space of time leaves me wondering: Is he actually a sell-out or a political master strategist? I found myself analysing his moves from the time the African National Congress (ANC) lost its majority to form a government of national unity (GNU). This period marked a significant turning point in his career and offered glimpses into his strategic prowess. Cyril Ramaphosa likes to describe himself as an enigma. A carefully cultivated aura of mystery surrounds his political beliefs and policy preferences. Indeed, his life is beset by paradox. To some, he is a sell-out who has made billions because of his close relationship with the white elite business establishment, to others just a brilliant negotiator and strategist.
GNU used for the ANC agenda
Having lost the majority needed to form a government the ANC emerged the winners anyway. They outsmarted the Democratic Alliance (DA) and all the other political parties. At the polls, they got just over 40 per cent of the votes but ended up with just under 70 per cent of the Cabinet ministers and 75 per cent deputy ministers. Despite the national outcry to reduce Cabinet, the ANC managed to increase it. The appointment of the cabinet appeared to be simple until one looked closely, and discovered it was in fact strategic as you will see shortly.
The ministries responsible for implementing the highly controversial and progressive laws that the ANC wanted to introduce as part of their National Democratic Revolution (NDR) were strategically given to the DA with deputy ministers going to the ANC, except the Ministry of Health which was signed before the formation of the GNU.
These ministries include the Minister for Basic Education Siviwe Gwarube and the Minister for Public Works and Infrastructure Dean Macpherson. Two highly contested laws were signed under the DA’s nose with DA ministers heading the ministers and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
It would appear that the DA was used in the implementation of the ANC NDR agenda, which would make Ramaphosa a brilliant strategist or a sell-out who has been forced to backtrack.
The second role the DA was made to play without their knowledge was to keep the Western capitalist forces at bay thinking that they were now an integral part of the government, when in fact they were not. The rating agencies and international communities have been very excited about the GNU, when in fact highly progressive laws are passed with the DA present.
Killing three birds with one stone
Ramaphosa has managed to kill three birds with one stone. Firstly, he was able to keep the country stable through the formation of the GNU which strategically excluded the most radical elements within the progressive grouping, namely the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and uMkhonto WeSizwe Party (MKP). The international community, particularly the Western nations, would have surely crippled the South African economy in fear of what the DA coined ‘The dooms-day coalition’. With this strategy, the economy remained stable having given the Western powers what they wanted, which was a DA coalition yet getting what the people of South Africa needed.
Secondly, President Ramaphosa has with the signing of these Bills to law proved to those that he has not diverted from or abandoned the NDR as per the ANC Agenda.
The distractors within the ANC including the SACP and other strategic partners can no longer have a division case. Thirdly, this strategy of signing these Bills into law has had the effect of disarming all the progressive forces that were using these unsigned Bills as ammunition to fight the ANC within the voter space. This means the progressive forces, including the EFF and MKP, who were beginning to think that he was a sell-out, are now wondering what strategy this is. How will they fight the ANC when it is doing just what the Freedom Charter demands? Below we look at what the Acts are concerning ordinary citizens
The National Health Insurance Act
National Health Insurance (NHI) is a health insurance system that provides access to health care for all citizens of a country. It’s also known as statutory health insurance (SHI). Every South African, permanent resident, refugee and prisoner will be able to register for NHI. All children born and living in South Africa will qualify for NHI. Everyone else will qualify for treatment for emergencies and diseases that can cause outbreaks.
The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Act.
The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Act is legislation in South Africa that aims to update and amend existing laws governing basic education and changes several aspects of how schools are managed. It was introduced to address inequalities in the school system by standardising rules on admissions, language policies, discipline and even the operation of homeschooling.
Land Expropriation Act
President Cyril Ramaphosa has on this last week signed into law the Expropriation Bill, which repeals the pre-democratic Expropriation Act of 1975 and sets out how organs of State may expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons. The Bill, which has undergone a five-year process of public consultation and parliamentary deliberation, aligns legislation on expropriation with the Constitution. Section 25 of the Constitution recognises expropriation as an essential mechanism for the State to acquire someone’s property for a public purpose or in the public interest, subject to just and equitable compensation being paid.
Constitutional court challenges
It is without doubt that there will be Constitutional Court challenges, particularly from the DA and individual organisations such as AfriForum and other political parties. The reality is that the Constitution was drawn up to favor and protect Western interests. Hence, the property rights clauses. The MKP has consistently lobbied for the amendment of the Constitution to protect progressive legal instruments that seek to improve the lives of poor black South Africans. Without such amendments, Ramaphosa will have an uphill battle. The question that remains is: Will President Ramaphosa and the ANC manage to hold the barrage of constitutional challenges? Comment septembereswatini@gmail.com
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