HISTORY tells us that the world was ruled by kingdoms, where kings and emperors ruled, some with wisdom and others with tyranny. The Bible tells us of how God would raise a king to rule over the people and would give him wisdom, and there would be peace and prosperity in the land.
God also ordained certain men and women to advise the kings, while the kings were at liberty to take that advice or to reject it. Over the years, young kings grow older become stronger and become more and more difficult to advise. Those who were wise kept their kingdoms and those who refused counsel lost it to republicans.
All kings had true advisers, who are driven only by the love of the monarchy and strong enough to withstand the power of the adult independent king, but became fewer with time.
Slowly the majority of those around the king tell him what he wants to hear and not the truth.
Even Christians stop telling the truth. The minority truth tellers slowly become ‘enemies’ and their access to the king is blocked. Not wishing to antagonise their king, they take a step back and watch from a distance.
True feelings are concealed
The saddest reality of all monarchies is that they are simply never in touch with the true feelings of the people they rule over. The more powerful the monarch, the more the people will conceal their true feelings about him, particularly what they know will not be acceptable to him.
There are those around royalty who become part of a group so immersed in the royal power that they get so dependent on it that any change is threatening to them and the status quo, which is their only security. They become gatekeepers with the sole purpose of keeping everything the same. This group of people would systematically manipulate the monarch to strategically remove anyone whom they perceive to represent unpalatable truth, even when the truth is for the good of the monarchy.
They soon have the monarch in the palm of their hand, or allowing him to do whatever he likes, even if it is ultimately not good for the future of the monarchy. They get to know their monarch very well, predict his thoughts, his likes and dislikes.
When they are not sure, they look in his face and body language and do as he pleases. This, unfortunately, is the most dangerous stage of any monarchy, when all alternative voices are silent.
Masses can never be trusted
History tells us that monarchs should not trust the masses. The sample of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was extremely popular with the people, lost his popularity and never even knew it. He had been credited with industrialising Iran through the commercialisation of her oil reserves. His policies were initially considered the best. It is said that masses still flocked to his gatherings days before they overthrew him in 1979. He is said to have insisted that he will talk to his people, thinking that they still loved as they had shown undying affection for him only a few days before.
His security had to hold him back by force because he did not understand that the very same people who had been cheering him on as a great leader now wanted his blood. His close ties with the West, including the United States of America and Israel, were seen as disregarding his religious Muslim base.
It is clear to me that the people or masses do not just look at economic achievements of their leaders, otherwise, they would not have overthrown Muammar Gadhafi who had made Libya an economic success story. It is small, insignificant actions or omissions that might accumulate and cascade into bigger things.
People change overnight, such that they are unpredictable and unrecognisable. I had always believed that emaSwati were different, a respectful nation but all that changed in June 2021 during the unrest. The ordinary emaSwati who were always loyal to the royal family were nowhere to be found.
Buganu Ceremony a great success
The Buganu ceremony was a great success. It has continued to grow in size and popularity year after year. The uniform colours of emahhiya and the dancing are simply spectacular. When we look at the economic perspective, particularly in terms of national events and tourism, we have to agree that it is good for the economy.
The fact that it is also an old Swati tradition, revived and modernised, goes a long way towards decolonisation of the African continent. I have my doubts about the Christian community of Eswatini being in favour when it comes to the moral aspects, as we all know the effects of alcohol on a mass scale, as Buganu is a very strong alcohol.
The fact that it is Lutsango Ceremony, which means it’s basically a women-only ceremony, is further challenging the moral side when it comes to principles of Christianity, including the marriage institution and the general conduct of a wife.
Following the cancellation of July 22, which was an important Christian holiday, marking two kings. Somhlolo, who through a dream was advanced to take umculu (The Bible) and reject indilinga (the coin or money) on one hand and King Sobhuza II our independence hero of the other, the Christian fraternity will do to continue honouring this significant day. The reaction of the religious community is always very tricky because they are always respectful.
The monarchy needs this segment of society. We have to wait and see, if they voice their true feelings, then there is still hope for our monarchy because things can be discussed in the open and solutions found. This will mean there are still strong leaders who speak the truth.
Comment septembereswatini@gmail.com
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