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Swazi women are the happiest

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In the first part of my analysis of the Human Rights Report as delivered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, I made a critical analysis of what the Americans call discrimination against white and mixed race citizens.

This analysis has opened the eyes of many in that some people have come out to state that the fact that there was racism in Swaziland has been downplayed for a long time.

It would take an analyst like Qalakaliboli to realise that ethnic Swazis are indeed under threat in their own country.
The fact that we have unpatriotic citizens who call themselves progressives is a shame to say the least.
It is these shameless progressives who have rejoiced at the insult levelled against my beautiful country.
I have made it my hobby to defend my country.

It is time that we open our eyes and begin to address the ills of society in our country such as the rampant abuse of black ethnic Swazis by white, mixed race and Chinese owned businesses.
Our sisters in Matsapha are made to work long hours for a salary you cannot even give to a high school going child as pocket money.

All these injustices against the ethnic race were not addressed by the human rights report by the Americans.
How biased!
How can a country that prides itself as democratic fail in its observations and conclusions on such important issues as human rights?

Is it because the Americans have made it their hobby to abuse human rights with impunity?
The Suppression of Terrorism Act, 2008 has been vilified by the American report and this has exposed the arrogance of some so called progressives in that they so rejoiced.
Firstly I want to say that I had a negative attitude as well against the Act, until an attempt was made to bomb a bridge a Lozitha.

This was the last straw on the camel’s back.
It made me realise that indeed, government is doing its best to protect us from such terrorists who would go to the extent of bombing structures that were funded from taxpayers’ money.

Mario Masuku was quoted as having supported the act to bomb the bridge. Despite his unnecessary incarceration, I lost all respect for the man and his PUDEMO movement.
Honestly, I do not have another country to run to!
So why would I support an organisation that intends to destroy the hard work that government has done for the country?

PUDEMO openly advocated for a violent strategy to democratise Swaziland. So I honestly do not understand what the Americans are complaining about when they claim that the Suppression of Terrorism Act is meant for dissidents.
There are other political dissidents in the country who have not been declared as terrorist organisations.
So the Americans are talking absolute nonsense.
The US government has claimed that Swazi citizens are not able to change their government.
Swazis can change their government if they want to. It is just that most Swazis have been misled by the regressive-progressives in the country.
The main problem faced by many Swazis in changing their government is that they do not have the integrity to do so.
We elect stomach politicians into Parliament and these clowns do absolutely nothing to improve the operation and running of our country.
I still positively believe that if we were to elect the right credible men into Parliament, the country would benefit immensely.

One thing that I pride myself in is the fact that, I don’t take sides.
I am a positive thinker.
I am an aristocrat and a philanthropist.
I am a builder and not a destroyer.

So if the Americans are trying to destroy my country, then they have me to tell them where to get off.
It took America more than 250 years to introduce the multi-party system in the US.
What makes them think they can introduce it overnight here in Swaziland?
Swaziland has been blamed for the excessive beatings of detainees, police impunity, arbitrary arrests, discrimination against women and restrictions on freedoms of assembly among other things.
Let me start off with the discrimination against women.
That a few women are making noise does not necessarily mean there is discrimination against all other women.
Firstly, let me point out that the American report should have classified the extent of the discrimination versus what is happening in other countries.
If one was to take a snap survey on Swazi women, you would realise that these are the happiest women in the world.

The size of a Swazi woman speaks for itself.
It is even difficult to share a seat with a Swazi woman in the kombis. Badla lipalishi!
Our girls are included in the free education system, and there is nothing that government would do for men and not do for women in this country.

I therefore do not see any discrimination against Swazi women as seen by the Americans.
Then there is the issue of police beatings and arbitrary arrests.
What exactly are we being accused of here?

The fact that the police are beating detainees in Swaziland is blown out of proportion.
I do not condone the beating of detainees in custody by the Swaziland police. It is wrong.
However, let me say that detainees were sodomised, drowned and beaten by military police in Guantanamo Bay by American state agents.  

Let me introduce to you a term called RENDITION. This is a term used by American state agents to kidnap or rent suspects from their respective countries and take them to secluded American bases around Europe and South America, where they are tortured and beaten on suspicion that they are terrorists.    

Rendition is a clandestine operation by American agents where suspects are taken away from their homes at night and tortured to give information on their targets and operations.
We saw it being done in the United Kingdom where Asian or Arabic terror suspects were kidnapped in the still of the night and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, for torture.

I recently saw a book I which a former suspect has written about the atrocities he experienced at the hands of the American military.
Suspects were kidnapped from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Morrocco, UK, to name a few and taken to Guantanamo Bay.

This then raises the question of where and what the Human rights watch saying about the rampant abuse of human rights by the Americans?
Is the human rights watchdog helping these oppressed citizens of the world or are they prepared to watch and let it go, just because it is the Americans who are abusing human rights?
Is this a human rights watchdog or a lap dog for the Americans?

We have reports of innocent women and children who have been maimed and killed by American Bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq. A war that was not commissioned by the world, but was commissioned by America and its allies, driven by greed to run the world. George W. Bush wanted revenge against Saddam Hussein who defeated his father in the 1988 Gulf war.

America needs to look closer home when issuing such reports on the abuse of human rights.
Compared to the abuse of human rights in America, Swaziland is nothing.
We have a Swazi who was arrested in America for crimes that are not at all clear.
How can a person be arrested for loitering? The poor man was overwhelmed by the big city and found himself arrested for admiring.

I may not like the way the present government of Swaziland is run but that does not mean that I should destroy my country.
The regressive-progressives of Swaziland have gone out to campaign for limited sanctions to be imposed on Swaziland.
They have demonstrated and told blatant lies about Swaziland to the outside world. This is in violation of Section 63(b) of the Constitution.

These people deserve to be charged for bringing the good name of Swaziland to disrepute.
Let me conclude by making a comment on the last claim by the American report that there are restrictions in Swaziland on the freedoms of assembly, association and movement.
Honestly, where has anyone been restricted in Swaziland to associate and assemble?
If we are to consider the banning of political parties as restriction to freedom of assembly and association, then I will agree but again it is these political formations that are talking of bombings and beating agents of the state. Should the government of Swaziland allow this to continue?

Yes, government needs to unban political parties but continue to ban terrorist organisations such as PUDEMO.
The reason the police stopped a meeting two weeks ago on April 12 and 17 was because the Court order made it clear that terrorist organisations were not allowed in that meeting.

Surprisingly, the meeting was rendered a threat to the country’s security in that there were terrorists in attendance.
I honestly feel the Americans need to look to their own backyard before they point an accusing finger at Swaziland.
The human rights watchdog also needs to stop being a lapdog for the Americans and European states. They should take a neutral stand and reprimand against human rights abuses in the whole world.

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