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The August Rush

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We all know that university is a totally different environment from high school; there is no one there to spoon-feed you with information, no one to tell you what pages of the 1000-page book to read when preparing for a test, failing the first few tests is an expected thing, but totally new and unexpected by the freshman.

In the midst of confusion, seeing your future shatter before you, at this point you can do anything, absolutely anything to help you improve your grades so that your results can put a smile on your parents’ faces back home. The lecturer comes and offers you a few marks, just enough to help you go through to the next level, but in return he wants you to do him a small favour as well, just a small favour that will cost you absolutely nothing, or doesn’t it?

It is disappointing how someone you had so much respect for, someone who literally holds the key to your future, a man of dignity, can blackmail an innocent little girl into sleeping with him in exchange for a few marks. Noteworthy, it is always the female students who are being abused by married male lecturers, never female lecturers abusing male students.

It goes without saying that men are never satisfied, and they find it easy to manipulate whatever power they have over women and use it to their advantage. Men who abuse power to lure women into bed are a disgrace to society. Men who are educated are expected to know better, they are expected to be professional educators and advocates of the law rather than professional abusers and exploiters of helpless women.


Female students do not attend lessons so perverted lecturers can take mental images of their curves and project them onto their no doubt long-suffering wives for their own pleasure. Young girls have enough luring and harassment to deal with on the streets and in some well-respected government offices without having to face it when we’re trying to take notes in class.

Emotional abuse is vast among educators too, not only do they belittle female students by making demeaning statements in front of the other students, they also go to the extent of making random offensive statements towards you if you ever find yourself in the confines of their offices. There is a difference between someone who is trying to make conversation or crack jokes and someone who is used to spurting insults or statements without thinking about the implications.

As the university begins its academic year, and first years attend university classes for the very first time, it is important that they are careful and aware of not only male lecturers that might want to take advantage of them; but also older male students who are just waiting like vultures to attack. There is a term for the usual excitement towards new and unaware female freshmen, August Rush. This goes by that name because August is when the freshmen first get to university, and it is a rush because everyone, literally everyone, ‘attacks’.

Abuse does not have to be physical, and it does not always happen when the victim is aware. Abuse can be emotional and it can occur over a long period of time without the victim regarding it as abuse. It is when a male lecturer forces a female student into bed in exchange for marks. And when he does that, it is not because the target is more beautiful than the rest, but it is because the target is unaware and vulnerable. Freshmen must know that it is never worth it, their value cannot be equated to a few marks, let there be no August Rush victims this year!

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