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Living on a wing and prayer

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Living on a wing and prayer Pastors and aspiring Members of Parliament, what do
these two ‘professions’ have in common nowadays?

It seems one cannot function without the other. Just recently we read about an apostle whose prayers are for ‘sale’ and yesterday we read about aspiring MPs who feel they need divine intervention to win the elections, so it is clear that these two are feeding off each other.  
It should be noted that prayers alone cannot help you win the elections. Aspiring Members of Parliament should have more to offer the electorate instead of living on hope.

It has been reported that some aspiring MPs are contemplating travelling to Nigeria to be prayed for by one Televangelist TB Joshua. Certainly the power of prayer cannot be underestimated but when it comes right down to it, prayer alone cannot win you the elections.
 The fact that they are willing to spend so much money on air fare, accommodation and other related expenses just for a chance, no matter how minute it might be, to be an MP speaks to where their priorities lie.

Do they want to be MPs because they want to work for the betterment of the country and to improve the lives of the people they live with or do they want the position for the power they are likely to wield and the financial benefits that come with it?
What does this tell you about some of our aspiring MPs?

Should they be elected MP, chances are this is how they will deal with the challenges they are likely to face in office, by praying the problem away instead of taking action.
Actions speak louder than any words and our aspiring candidates should have already shown the electorate what they can do for them.
Soon they will start campaigning for the elections but it is already too late. If they seriously wanted to make it to Parliament they should have started campaigning through their deeds, five years ago. 

They should have shown the communities they live in by now what they are capable of. Had they done this they would not be needing prayers now.
On another note, an aspiring candidate has made it into the papers for all the wrong reasons. He is said to have shot people at his bar and is subsequently facing two attempted murder charges.
He is a businessman and is alleged to have shot at one of the victims because of a standing feud. Is this the calibre of people we wish to have in Parliament?

People who use force to deal with problems? Why weren’t the police called in to deal with the problem since they were hired to enforce the law?
People should not feel they have a right to take the law into their own hands. We need people who will respect the law and abide by it; no one is above the law.

One can only pray that come election time worthy candidates are chosen because they will be in office for the next five years.
From previous experience it is clear that once you’re in office it is not easy to be recalled by the electorate should they feel they have chosen ineffective or wayward individuals.

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