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I wish to extend my deepest apologies to those who might have read my article titled, ‘Who Created Mosquitoes?’ and consequently felt any kind of dismay or displeasure and confusion.
All I meant to do was reveal the many questions that are created by the misrepresentations of what God’s creation should truly be.

I would like to take people through a lesson of how we all get to know things or the surroundings.
Let us not forget that we are all different, irrespective of the popular belief we originate or were created by God in his image and hence equal.
With that in mind, we should agree there is a diverse description of who one is, than probably what one is.

Age, gender, nationality and culture, background and the like, all make up who we are, while what we are, is simply human.
That is, a German Shepherd is what a dog can be, than what it is as a dog.
On the other hand, a Mozambican is who or what any other human being can be.
Observing the differences as to who we are may give us a clue of what we know. The best example to illustrate this possibility is by asking yourself the following: your age; background as measured from the beginning of your personal existence; your nationality; religious affiliation and the like.

Being born from a Zambian or Swedish couple must at least tell us something as to who one is and also what he/she knows.
Did you ever wish to be a non-Swazi because you once hated being a Swazi and being Swazi-cultured?
If you once had such mixed feelings about who you are, let it be known to you it was because of being different in race, age, gender, man-made socio-economic backgrounds, religion, and the ultimate reasoning of events as they are.
That must have made you covet/ envy a different nature than that which you were born with. So who are you and what do you know because of who you are?

With all these distinct personal attributes, we have unfortunately lived a separate life because anything comparative creates conflict in one way or another.
People with common sense are those who assimilate/ absorb vast knowledge according to quality and quantity of exposure to different evocations of life.
We know things through all common senses and through who we are as illustrated above. Just imagine how much exposure and knowledge somebody who has travelled through five countries into your country has, just for you to ridicule him/ her as a foreigner (kwerekwere, ngangawane)?

Definitely, one who has more exposure to different things and events has different opinions than he who has immature experience and exposure.
Prove this yourself and if you can’t, just collate/compare yourself with anyone born outside your family, who is older or younger than you, with whom you do not share the same nationality too.
You will agree with me that knowledge is power but did we ever ask what kind of power we get or use through knowledge?

Knowledgeable people are responsible, hence the power we get from knowledge is capability under responsibility.
When you are under ubiquitous assimilation, you have the responsibility of how to use and react to the knowledge you absorb. You will have the responsibility whether or not to share or not the knowledge you get, in short, responsibility is the power of knowledge.
We should therefore all have the power or responsibility to test our resources of knowledge in any stage of our growth,
The Bible advises us to do so in 1 John 4:1.

We must have all been exposed to books, especially the Bible.
This book has been esteemed so highly that it could be the sole reason we believe in the existence of God and the vast knowledge about predetermined events and behaviour. That being the case, we expect the Bible to have logic: the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or situation.
So, what happens if the event you see are a misrepresentation of the actual situation described conceptually?
Shouldn’t you be inquisitive enough to fathom the events?

It is fair and wise to ask about physical events we see, which are not portrayed by the conceptual/theoretical knowledge we assimilate.
To illustrate this, imagine what the Bible says about sin coming into the world through Law and one man (Romans 5: 13-21), yet it shows that not all men come from one man (Genesis 4: 13 – 15).
Please read these scriptures.

Logically, those who were to attack Cain were supposed to be some other people other than Adam’s and Eve’s children. Where were they supposed to come from?
Did God create other humankind except for Adam, through which all sin entered the world? What happened to those other people and how come we are all believed to come from Adam and Eve?
A young fellow said each race had its own Adam and Eve, which explains why we all have different continents and races, whereby each continent represents the garden while the originator of the race is the Adam and Eve of that continent.

That is, Africans have their own Adam and Eve, Asians have their own, and the same goes for the other continents. What if we only have records of the Arabic Moses, David, Jeremiah and the like, yet do not have the same records for the African counterparts?
Let us ask, if a stupid person does anything wise, doesn’t that make him/her a wise person too? What about a good person doing bad things?

Does that not make him a bad person? What about a perfect person creating imperfect things? Where does that glorify them as entirely perfect?
We, as imperfect people have created imperfect creations and that is all acceptable, except accepting that God’s creation, being imperfect, makes Him imperfect too. Just think about it. When you are healed through a miracle and get sick again, how perfect was that miracle?


When I was told Jesus resurrected Lazarus, I was filled with joy until I discovered that Lazarus died again – but why?
His should have been a testimony of every other miracle performed in history.
We need to ask what God intended to tell us in whatever we read from the Bible. We must investigate at all times what we know and how we know, in a way to protect our minds and beings.
One would ask as to what we are protecting our minds and beings from.
Would it not be from inaccurate knowledge and the subsequent way of living?

Are we living life according to the way we are informed about it or the way it gets to us? This is a very important question to ask ourselves.
Please do not be misled by what you and others think is right or wrong but be sure of what is truly happening.
Do not devote or put faith in something you are told to believe in, without conducting a lengthy and deep research about it.

We are physical persons and had we given the same nature as spiritual beings, we would be at a better level of understanding. That is why we need more physical proof in order to validate the trueness of anything.
Let us put to test all information and its resources so as to conquer delusions.
Let us do this for those ahead of us in age, as well as those yet to come - and make an accurate account of history. It begins with you.

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