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It has been said over and over again that ‘leaders are made, not born.’ Men are usually born with the potential and capabilities for leadership and this is inherent in the nature of every man. To some extent, every man is a leader; good or bad. Leadership is always defined as influence and influence can be used for good or evil. As men, we must always use our position to create good in our society. Authentic leadership is more than charisma; it is an attitude of the heart. The world is in need of true leaders that are sensitive, competent, compassionate and principled. Organisations, companies, schools and families are all in need of authentic leaders.

Leadership is about articulating vision, management and relationships, and this is actually the true essence of all human beings.


The leadership instinct in all of us is what makes us want to be in control of our circumstances in life. We were all created to lead and be in control of our lives and situations of life. Therefore, we must also understand that the essence of leadership is not just about techniques; it really lies in maximising our attitudes. We must therefore cultivate and develop attitudes that will inspire and positively motivate others around us.

An attitude is a perspective that emanates from within and is not controlled by outside circumstances. When we begin to develop a healthy perspective about ourselves by embracing good thought patterns, the consequence will be a good attitude, a great outlook on life and health perceptions of others. Our minds are key to developing the potential of leadership in us. Most of us have been programmed with wrong philosophies in life and now those philosophies determine the way we think and see ourselves. The leadership potential in most of us is not being maximised because, in our hearts and minds, we believe that it is for special people.

William James once wrote: “The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind. As you think, so shall you be.” What we perpetually think in our hearts or minds is what will finally come out in our attitude, actions and behaviour. What and how we think about ourselves or our purpose in life will always determine our attitudes and actions towards others. Usually our future or our ability to succeed in life is not hindered by what others think about us but by what we think of ourselves. Our mindsets and thoughts are usually the source of our attitudes in life. To change our minds or thought patterns is not an easy thing. It is a process that we must discipline ourselves to go through in order to develop and cultivate the potential of leadership in us. True leadership is an attitude of the heart because a good and great attitude will always positively influence our environments.
Every man must work at discovering his leadership potential within.
As men, we are endowed by God with leadership potential in our specific area of gifting. We have the capacity to manage and govern our world. We must believe that we are leaders in spite of our present status, circumstances or how we feel about our ability to lead. When we embrace the fact that we are leaders, it will change the way we behave and relate to others. We will begin to embrace the virtues of leadership-reputation, ethics, morality, temperament, habits and maturity. A man’s reputation is usually established by the esteem and respect shown for his name. The Bible says: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.” (Proverbs 22:1).

As men, we must embrace a code of conduct that governs our dealings. Morality is a system of ethical conduct as it relates to principles of right and wrong behaviour. As leaders, we must know that morality is more than ‘good vs bad’; it is also immoral to keep on doing things that waste our lives or by failing to act, stand or speak out when things are going wrong in our society. As men, we need moral courage to face the realities of life, admit our needs, confess our wrongdoings, make accurate destiny decisions and hold convictions.


As men and leaders, we must demonstrate the marks of maturity. A mature man can be recognised in different ways: the quality of his character, the friends he chooses, the decisions he makes, the responsibilities he accepts and the kind of leadership he exercises and how he treats the people around him. Men who are leaders are always determined to positively influence others, set good examples, accept accountability and have a clear sense of mission.

They are courageous, understand true loyalty, love people and are able to communicate effectively. Men who embrace the spirit of leadership enter not into competition with others but are content to be themselves. It’s now time for us men to rise and accept our leadership in the home, church, community and nation. 


Comments (4 posted):

The Liberal Columnist on 04/03/2014 05:24:17
First and foremost, I'd like to say that you raise some very important points, and your essay is a good read. But I think that in the era that we live in today, gender equality should be the order of the day.

What do I mean when I say "gender equality?" Most people will tell you that God created "men" to rule, and that women are born with an inherent weakness, and the need of a male partner in order to perform her function (whatever those are). But I beg to differ, the times in which we live in call for women's roles to be recognized and appreciated in society. Gone are the days when women were told to depend on the "ever knowing man," because at the end of the day, it is the mentality that counts, not the physical capabilities.

Women in our society are not born weak, but we as society groom them to be this way. Man has always made his counterpart feel inferior based solely on the difference in gender, and that to me, is utter crap. Gender, just like race, should never come into play when measure one's potential, hence what we need is not just a generation of more responsible men, but a generation of responsible, respectful and equal citizens. And I'm sorry to say that articles like these work against the notion mentioned above, it is time we ceased to underestimate the geniuses that populate our villages simply because they were born with body parts that we do not have.


The Liberal Columnist
The Liberal Columnist on 04/03/2014 05:25:40
First and foremost, I'd like to say that you raise some very important points, and your essay is a good read. But I think that in the era that we live in today, gender equality should be the order of the day.

What do I mean when I say "gender equality?" Most people will tell you that God created "men" to rule, and that women are born with an inherent weakness, and the need of a male partner in order to perform her function (whatever those are). But I beg to differ, the times in which we live in call for women's roles to be recognized and appreciated in society. Gone are the days when women were told to depend on the "ever knowing man," because at the end of the day, it is the mentality that counts, not the physical capabilities.

Women in our society are not born weak, but we as society groom them to be this way. Man has always made his counterpart feel inferior based solely on the difference in gender, and that to me, is utter crap. Gender, just like race, should never come into play when measure one's potential, hence what we need is not just a generation of more responsible men, but a generation of responsible, respectful and equal citizens. And I'm sorry to say that articles like these work against the notion mentioned above, it is time we ceased to underestimate the geniuses that populate our villages simply because they were born with body parts that we do not have.


The Liberal Columnist
Lomangisi Dlamini on 04/03/2014 13:28:32
This is a truly patriarchal opinion pushed by a real male chauvinist to push the stereotype that men are leaders and women are mere followers. News flash, women are also born with the potential and capabilities for leadership!
Phindile on 04/03/2014 23:28:24
What a lot of rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You men better wake up to yourselves in Swaziland, this business of domineering male super testosterone has to stop. Look around you, many countries are succeeding why because they are beginning to realise that women are far more articulate and composed as leaders of the world and guess what most countries in Europe now either have a female prime minister OR a female vice president.

Why? because behind every clever man there's a fantastic women but if a man chooses to be sexist, well then I feel pity for Swaziland because they will forever lack behind whilst other countries progress and resulting to " behind an egoistic man who's hungry for power and full of chauvinism, there will always be a supressed woman".

From " A woman of strength that believes in equality, not this"!

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