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Power is usually defined as the ability to influence, govern and control or the supply of force for the functioning of something.

Life consists of ‘power points’; points which serve to mark progress, rank or relative position. A point also indicates a transition from one state or position to another and life is full of transitions. It is, therefore, imperative that we understand certain dynamics that will help us make meaningful progress in life. The first power point we are going to discuss is the power of vision.

The starting point of a successful, fruitful and meaningful life is vision. God has endowed every human being with the gift of imagination. How we use the gift of imagination will usually determine how far we go in life. Vision is a picture of what is possible for your life, yet it is also your perspective or way of looking at life. Vision is a picture of a preferred future. It is having a view of your destination.

When you have vision, you will make progress and flourish in life. Vision enables us to conceive the realities of a preferred future within us before those realities are realised in the events of life. Vision is actually the combination of faith, goal-setting, stating and understanding our mission on this planet. No matter what area of life; home, work, church or community, vision is crucial because it throws us beyond our negative present and gives us a positive view of the future. Vision is important because it gives us a general attitude of confidence and encouragement.

It keeps us motivated in spite of present negative challenges. Vision is powerful because it is usually generational in nature and impacts on generations. True vision will always leave a legacy. If, when we die, we leave nothing for future generations to benefit from, then we didn’t live our lives effectively. Our vision must be able to benefit our children and society.

Vision will make us live so well that history won’t be able to ignore the fact that we lived, because it produces in us assignments that will impact society. Life is so short, we can’t afford to just exist; we must impact society with our vision. It is therefore important that we discover and implement our personal vision. The first thing to realise in order to discover our personal vision is to know that we are here on earth for a specific purpose.

We were not born to just occupy space, but to fulfil a purpose. God actually created us with a purpose and we must believe that we were born at the right time to fulfil this purpose. We must begin to see our purpose in order to allow our vision to come to pass in our lifetime. Actually, the creator designed us and wired us perfectly to complete our purpose and fulfil our vision. To discover purpose and vision, we must be in touch with the creator.

One of the great things about vision, apart from the fact that it gives meaning to life, is that it creates in us a work mentality. Where there is no vision, people become lazy and idle and lack discipline to sustain the spirit of excellence. The journey of a successful and meaningful life starts at the point of understanding purpose and vision.

The Holy Bible declares in Proverbs 19:21: “There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless it is the Lord’s counsel — that will stand.” Actually God places vision and purpose within us. We can locate that vision by looking within ourselves, as we examine the desires of our hearts. Psalms 37:4 says, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart.” We also must understand that vision is both personal and corporate.

In order to be effective, we must accept the fact that our personal vision is also directly related to our families, professions, communities and nation. We must learn to submit to each other in the larger vision and purpose by working together in a productive way. Usually, our personal vision will ultimately be fulfilled in a church, a company, in  society or even at national level.

Everything we do or must do as we fulfil our personal vision should not be done just for ourselves but for the betterment of society. We need each other’s visions in order to make society a better place for everyone. We must stay together, work together and think together. We must not allow our personal successes to isolate us from each other.
Every vision or dream will be tested by the trials of life.

But we must remember that battles are necessary in order for us to possess new ground. For every trial or battle, there is already the provision of grace for us to overcome. It usually takes trials and battles to come out of one season in order to enter into another. Therefore, keep on dreaming and envisioning and let your vision make a difference in many people’s lives.

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