Times Of Swaziland: TURNING OUR BACKS AGAINST SOMHLOLO’S VISION TURNING OUR BACKS AGAINST SOMHLOLO’S VISION ================================================================================ By Musa Hlophe on 28/01/2018 08:54:00 Before I tackle today’s theme about our country’s capture by the power of money which has made us turn our backs on God, allow me to thank Him for having given me life as I am celebrating my 79th birthday today. I thank Him for having planned my salvation even before I was born. He achieved this by winning the soul of my grandfather Joseph Zikalala. My grandfather gave his life to Jesus, joining other giants of the Evangelical Church who were among the first crop of converts and champions of the Evangelical Church in the Southern part of Swaziland. Among his peers were the likes of Jonathan Shongwe, John Gamedze and John Mndzebele to mention a few. I thank the Evangelical Church for having guided me to maturity in the knowledge of God and to strive every day to be Christ like in whatever I do or say. Amen! The other item which has caught my attention is the unwarranted attack on Matsanjeni North Member of Parliament Phila Buthelezi for speaking what he was elected to do - talk truth to power on behalf of us, the voters. I shall tackle this subject next week, but the prime minister must accept that this has been the worst record of all those who have gone before him, notwithstanding his highest academic achievement. Watch this space next week! King Somhlolo’s vision Now back to the theme of the week. On Tuesday, I took time to stand under the statue of King Somhlolo, looking and analyzing what he holds in his hands. I took time to think about what it meant for him to hold the Bible on his right hand and money on his left hand. I then remembered what my late grandmother, Mangali Elidah Zikalala - née Ndlangamandla, used to tell us about the vision King Somhlolo received from God about the Bible and what it was going to do for the people of Swaziland and how bad things were going to be for the nation if it were to take money first and reject what God held on His right hand -the Bible! She taught us that ours was to accept Christ first and then money shall be added to us by God not to worship it because that would bring curses on our lives. We grew up under her care, assisted by the entire Ndlangamandla family (Clan) of Emanyandzeni in the Shiselweni Region. When I grew up and came to Manzini to pursue my higher education, I then chose to attend church at the Nazarene, where I met one of the best evangelists who broke the Word in the same way, very convincing and touching the deep hearts of his listeners. This was none other than Umfundisi Ndlovu. He made me find another home away from home. But above all, the most lasting impact on my spiritual life was how King Sobhuza II used to talk to his people about God and money! For him, it was important for his nation to hold on to the Vision of King Somhlolo if it was to succeed in whatever it was doing. He, himself lived a simple lifestyle; sometimes too simple to a point of embarrassing some of us who expected that a King must live a lavish lifestyle. His death seems to have opened the floodgates for this nation to turn its back on King Somhlolo’s Vision as well as the word of God in the Bible. What we call churches are in fact making money houses that do little about the true message of our Lord Jesus. This increasing chase after money is so evident that some churches have installed ATMS for the benefit of the ‘Apostles and Prophets’ who sit at the front seats in order to be distinct from the rest of the congregants. Having not been satisfied with the installation of ATMS, we are now calling for speed points so that we can be able to push these gadgets to the face of each church member to swipe his or her bank card in order to pay for being a member of the church. Indeed there is more evidence before us that every level of our lives, money has become the key driver of our actions. At every level of our actions it shows that we are doing things exclusively for making money and no more to serve our people with the truth. The drive for the love of money has even led to those who should be serving their Majesties with truth to no longer believe in the truth but in telling them what they believe their Majesties wish to hear. While I hold Chief Gija in high esteem, I strongly disagree with him when he says the current ritual murders are not linked to the 2018 national elections. Why then is it always a coincidence that each time we approach national elections, the murders of women and children suddenly resurface and more people get killed allegedly for ritual purposes. Is it not the truth that being in parliament today is no longer for the purpose of serving one’s community but a route to personal prosperity? God can heal our land Such a thing brings shame on our nation and the only way to curb it is by returning to God and confessing our sins so that He can forgive us as a nation and then heal our land. This is His call on us as a nation! Repent, confess our sins and seek His face and then He will heal our land. May He touch our consciences today as we step into His churches, because the true church is that which regards Him as the King of Kings other than that which was created by individuals for making money. Those churches are just as good as making halls for looting the gullible by telling them that their churches perform miracles while they are led by so called prophets and apostles. We have turned our backs away from King Somhlolo’s Vision and by extension from our God. May His Holy Spirit give you light today as you get into the doors of your church, provided it is His church and does not belong to the individual who created it for the purposes of making money. Amen! PEACE!