Times Of Swaziland: PHOTOGRAPHER WON E5 000 FROM KI PHOTOGRAPHER WON E5 000 FROM KI ================================================================================ BY DUDU DUBE on 11/12/2020 01:19:00 MBABANE - With great work comes great rewards. This mantra holds true to one of the local photographers, Nsizwa Mhlanga, who walked away with E5 000 from Kwakha Indvodza. This was confirmed by him in an interview with the Entertainment Desk. In collaboration with the US Embassy in Eswatini and Standard Bank, Kwakha Indvodza was conducting a social media and in-person awareness campaign on positive fatherhood called ‘Babe Locotfo -The Good Dad Campaign.’ campaign The goal of this campaign was to contribute to the reduction of gender-based violence in Eswatini by encouraging men to challenge the social norms, which perpetuate gender inequality and oppress the sexual and reproductive health rights of women and children at home. Kwakha Indvodza has over the period of eight months, through workshops and social media platforms, engaged men about the importance and benefits of active fatherhood. The campaign used visuals to inspire positive fatherhood in the country and encourage father-figures of all kinds to play an active role in their children’s lives. This has been done through documenting images of fathers in Eswatini with their children/ fathers demonstrating what it means to be Babe Locotfo loosely translated as ‘a good dad’ for content using a variety of media. On Father’s Day this year, Kwakha Indvodza, the US Embassy in Eswatini and Standard Bank produced a video celebrating fathers, showcasing the different fatherhood roles and activities that fathers enjoyed doing with their children at home. Simultaneously, the three partners launched the ‘Babe Locotfo Photography Competition’ which encouraged professional and non-professional photographers to share fatherhood pictures which would aid in raising awareness on positive fatherhood. Mhlanga was one of the photographers who won during the launch that was held at the Mbabane Library Exhibition Hall KEY. The event was graced by US Ambassador in Eswatini Her Excellency Lisa Peterson, Standard Bank Chief Executive Mvuselelo Fakudze and Kwakha Indvodza’s Executive Director, Tom Churchyard. Mhlanga expressed his excitement and shared that he had a fruitful experience. amazing “I submitted my pictures early April this year; we were required to explain how the pictures depict a good father. The experience was amazing as I also learnt a lot. I would like to thank the Kwakha Indvodza team for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts through pictures,” he said. He went on to thank his models, the talented Qiniso ‘Qhibo’ Motsa and the Nhleko family. Kwakha Indvodza (KI) through its projects offers community-led social behaviour change and health interventions. Our vision is to have a healthy, resilient and more gender-equal Eswatini, guided by positive and informed male influences.