Times Of Swaziland: Deep house meets hip-hop with Loma Deep house meets hip-hop with Loma ================================================================================ BY THOBEKA MANYATHELA on 24/08/2013 02:45:00 Lomakhetfo Dlamini better known as ‘Loma’ exudes hip hop chic the moment you meet her. Looking casual in her sneakers and jeans, the headphones and ‘nerdy’ glasses give it away. This young woman has just released her first single which is slowly but surely catching on in the airwaves Growing up in Manzini as a child she later on moved to The Republic of South Africa where she started her high school at Linpark High but left mid high school to complete her matric at Enjabulweni High School . Developed “While in school my love for music developed, this was in the year 2010 to be precise. Back then I did not have any exposure, it was all baby steps,” she adds. ‘Loma’ first learned how to spin the decks from a couple of friends in Johannesburg, it is also during that time when she would hang around the studio and started recording a couple of tracks as well. “I was always into music, though now that I look back I would always sing in the house and my older sister would get so annoyed and tell me to be quiet as I would sing on top of my voice” she laughs. Singing Her very first serious singing experience that she recalls was when she was in church and had to sing in front of her pastor and the entire congregation. “I must have been 12 or 13 years at the time and when I sang my hymn the entire church went quiet in attentiveness and that was very exciting for me and showed me the impact of my own voice. It was an amazing feeling, ” she smiles. The young woman is also blessed with a supportive family, and says she takes her singing genes from her father, her single is titled ‘Sncandzamatse’, a song about love . “The single is all about expressing my feelings towards the person that I love so much and now I am telling him how I trully feel. I was inspired by the beat really, because when I heard it, I realised it was a dance beat and it was done by Deeflava so I just smoothed it out a bit with the lyrics,” Loma adds. Favourite She counts South Africa’s Bucie and Thiwe, among her fav-ourite singers. “I love their voices and they sing the same genre as me, deep house, so it fascinates me and they give me the chills with those amazing voices,” she smiles . One thing this young woman hopes to achieve in the near future is securing her Degree in Media. “ I would love to go into advertising and being a radio DJ,” she says. This and that about Loma On voting in the elections… I really support the whole elections process, I believe it is very democratic. Everyone is given a fair chance to vote for whom ever they support or feel is the right candidate for the position of representing them in Parliament. As a youth myself, I would like to see the youth being represented in government. We need to be heard too. Worst memory... My worst memory is when I was supposed to perform somewhere and I was unable too. Worst of all I fell in front of the crowd that I was supposed to perform for. It was a traumatic experience, trust me. Best memory... When I visited my aunt in Johan-nesburg, she spoiled me so much. We went shopping, went to Gold Reef City and those rides were amazing. Your dream collaboration... I would love to collaborate with Black Coffee, he is my inspiration. Favourite car... A Range Rover Sport, I love it!! It is just a very good looking car and the size is perfect. Favourite cologne... Bvlgari for men Hobbies... I love watching TV series ‘Keeping Up with the Karda-shians’, Boondocks and Marryng the game. Believe it or not I still love cartoons and animated movies, horror movies, drama comedy, and my favourite movie is Texas chainsaw. The cherry on top is that there is Trey Songs ! Last words... Well I would like to thank ‘cocktail’,Steven,Lomanene and my parents for supporting me until this far and God bless Africa!!