Times Of Swaziland: The sky is the limit The sky is the limit ================================================================================ BY THOBEKA MANYATHELA on 25/08/2013 04:11:00 Zenani Mazibuko is beautiful, has flawless skin and is a natural on the ramp. With her poses behind the camera one would be convinced that this second year LLB student at University of Swaziland (UNISWA) Kwaluseni campus is a professional. The 18-year-old former student of Matthews Phosa College loves fashion, is passionate about Law and wants to make a significant difference in the legal system of the country. She dreams of being a Judge and her father is her inspiration. Style gets up-close and personal with the aspiring future Judge. Style: Who is Zenani? Zenani: I cannot say I am a shy person, maybe a bit reserved but definately not shy. I love people and make sure that I associate myself with positive people. I love people with good spirit, people I can relate to. I always choose to have influential and happy people around me. Style: How did you get into modelling? Zenani: I love clothes, I enjoy showcasing clothes and one way to do this is through modelling. I met Mbali at Batef. I had gone there to look for a designer as I needed her to design an outfit for me. Well, we did not talk about modelling then. I then saw Top Models Facebook page, that is when I called only to find out it was Mbali. I told her I was interested in modelling and here I am today. Style: What are your hobbies? Zenani: I enjoy television. I watch a lot of TV and I love reading as well. I am crazy about reading Law journals even during my spare time that is what I read. I watch Fashion TV a lot, it is my favourite channel. Style: What is your favourite TV programme? Zenani: ‘Fairly Legal’ is my favourite programme on TV. I make sure I never miss an episode. I also love ‘The Good Wife’ and ‘Revenge’. Style: Why did you choose Law? Zenani: I am passionate about Law. I want to be part of the people who make a difference and enforce laws that are best for the country. I want to bring change in Swazi law and statutes. Style: What makes you happy? Zenani: It does not take much to please me. Surround me with happy people and I am the happiest ever. Style: What makes you angry? Zenani: I easily get upset. I hate it when someone promises something then goes back on their word. Dishonest people irritate me – big time! Style: Who is your role model? Zenani: I look up to my dad. He has not had it easy but he makes sure to provide for us, the best way he can. He is extremely hard working. Despite the circumstances he grew up under, observing his life I know that nothing comes easy. I have learnt that if I want to be the best, I have to work hard for it. Nothing comes in a silver platter. I am grateful for all that he has taught me, all that he is to me. He is the best dad ever. Style: What are the challenges faced by the youth? Zenani: I will go political with this one. It is unfair for government not to sponsor us at university level yet our parents pay taxes. It just does not make any sense. That is the challenge that we are faced with as the youth. Our parents have to take us through high school and again pay for our university fees, that is just not fair. The taxes that our parents pay should be used to cater for our university education. I feel government needs to look into this issue. Style: What is your favourite movie? Zenani: I enjoy watching ‘The Hurricane’. It is emotional and I love the characters in the movie. Style: Who is your favourite artist? Zenani: Future is my favourite. I love his lyrics and his looks. He is tall and handsome. He always looks yummy. He is clean and not filled up with tattoos like others. I just love him. Style: Who is your favourite actor? Zenani: Columbus Short is the best. I love watching his movies. He is so fine and such a talented actor. Style: What is your favourite colour? Zenani: Bottle green is my favourite. It is outstanding, the colour of nature. I just love it. Style: Who is your global icon? Zenani: Beyonce because she is not only focusing on music, but also on social issues. She gives back to the community by taking care of the less fortunate. Also, she is not scandalous like most artists. That is precisely how I want to keep my life as well – free of scandals. Style: What is your favourite cologne? Zenani: I do not wear cologne, I don’t know why but I just do not. Style: What do you make of the national elections? Zenani: I think it is important that we choose honest people who have the best interest of the country at heart. Style: What is on your bedside table? Zenani: It is pretty boring, I have a watch, photo album, books. Style: What is your message to the youth? Zenani: You only live your life once. You must learn to leave your legacy. Be yourselves and not try to be something or someone else. Have your own style and not copy someone else. If you know what you want, it is not easy for people to shift your focus. It is fine to be inspired but do not let anything change you. Everybody has an opinion. Style: Your future goals? Zenani: I want to be a judge and have the finest things in life.