Times Of Swaziland: 2016 LESSONS TO KEEP LEARNING EVEN IN 2017 2016 LESSONS TO KEEP LEARNING EVEN IN 2017 ================================================================================ By Zanta Nkumane on 10/01/2017 23:37:00 IF you’re reading this, then you made it. You survived the year named 2016. Based on conversations I had with people this past weekend, 2016 wasn’t as bad as one thought. It appears that what made the year tough was the knowledge is bestowed upon us. As they say, once you know, you can’t unknow. Heading into this year, there are some lessons I’m keen to continue partaking in this year. Be a gardener, not a builder I recently re-read a book titled ‘Brida’ that speaks of this, and for the first time I was flooded with waves of epiphanies. Let me explain this gardener vs builder idea. In life, according to this book, we adopt two attitudes: gardener or builder. Most of us, due to conditioning and fear, adopt the builder attitude. Builders take years to complete tasks but by the time they finish their goals, they are sewn into the walls of their structure and life loses meaning when the building stops. Gardeners on the other hand plant and tend to their garden consistently, but the key difference is a garden never stops growing while a building eventually does. The lesson here is, gardeners never stop growing, always learning and evolving. Their lives can be filled with adventure, as the a garden can grow in many different ways. One moment its lush and green, then next it’s brown and leaves tear off their branches. This reflects the seasons of life. Making the transition from builder to gardener can be difficult, but it’s key. Do it now, not later Listen, postponing things is never a good idea: no I don’t mean a mere coffee date, I mean life decisions that are meant to lead to change. Time is crazily limited, quote me. We get drawn into this black hole of a lie that we have time, but we don’t. So now is always best, there will never be the perfect conditions to take that jump. Less is more This is important, we always think much is the better. Worry less, stress less and less people. Trust me, this will make your journey to happy slightly smoother. New mindset counts, not a new year It was last year a few days ago; whatever you’re facing or hoping to achieve isn’t going to miraculously appear or evaporate. What creates true change is altering your perception, adopting a new way of thinking. As much as a new year grants us a new page, if you still approach with a rigid, unmoving mind then you will stay where you’ve always been. What you love is your god This love thing is simultaneously overly complicated and simple. Be it love for your career or a romantic love. Whatever it is you’re in love with, you always serve it, knowingly or otherwise. So be careful and stay checking if you aren’t serving a love that doesn’t serve you.