Times Of Swaziland: ALL ARE WEAK, ALL ARE STRONG ALL ARE WEAK, ALL ARE STRONG ================================================================================ By Mpilo Nkambule on 25/10/2017 08:20:00 It does not require us to travel for many miles as mortals before we can discover that all that is strong, among living things, was once weak. I refer here to the intelligence tried namely; vegetation, animals and human beings. The big gum-tree that staggers not, because of its firmness and strength, when a strong wind blows, was once a very tiny and weak plant and through right conditions had grown from being weak to being strong. The same holds of the various creatures or animals on land, creatures and fowls of the air. By natural process these creatures grow strong. The seeds of strength always pre-exist in weakness. This means that our strengths grow out of our weaknesses. By this I think of the four constitutions of a human being: the physical, intellectual, spiritual and the emotional/social make up of you and I. Though we consider ourselves as fallible, we have the seeds of infallibility; we have the potential to become perfect. We all begin as little ones and as we work on ourselves we grow big and from weakness to strength. This is the comfort we can take that if you feel weak and that your friends are strong in any dimension, you can work on that weak point and turn it to strength. There is not one person out there in the world that is not capable of growth and or improvement. Each of us starts out on this earth as babies; we begin weak and helpless, for instance, intellectually. We know almost nothing of this world. Our mental faculties, such as the ‘will’ and creative imagination need development. Our reasoning prowess must be nurtured with truth for sound consciousness. If I am mentally weak, then it is that I am not attempting to work on myself on this respect. The reason we go to school is so that we can be conscious of the world we live in so we could use our environment to benefit and not hurt ourselves because of ignorance, which is weakness. “Each man is circumscribed by his own thoughts, but he can gradually extend their circle; he can enlarge and elevate his mental sphere. He can leave the low, and reach up to the high; and as he does this, he will pass into a higher sphere of power and beauty, will become conscious of a more complete and perfect world. For men live in spheres, low or high, according to the nature of their thoughts. Their world is as dark and narrow as they conceive it to be, as expansive and glorious as their comprehensive capacity,” said James Allen in his book ‘Man: King of Mind, Body, and Circumstance’. No one was born a saint – the saint was once not a saint, but through successive choices the man became a saint. Also no one was born a criminal: all are created innocent and by choice and exercise of the will, one becomes a criminal. This is a sign of the power of men. We start out without strength of whatever character and by choice we grow from strength to strength of whatsoever we permit ourselves to be. On the emotional front of ourselves, we may speak of emotional faculties such as anger. One can rise from having a bad temperament to a pleasing personality through the process of time. For, time will work with us for the better if our desires are embedded on the principles of intelligence.