Times Of Swaziland: POWER OF FOCUS, DETERMINATION POWER OF FOCUS, DETERMINATION ================================================================================ By Charles Samunenge on 15/01/2019 00:52:00 IN this world of challenges, frustrations, personal attacks, betrayals and chaotic experiences, it’s all too easy for focus to be lost or to become blurred. In this age of constant change, the ability to focus and weed out distractions is imperative to one’s quantum leaps in personal, spiritual, financial and professional growth. In order for one to experience significant forward movement, it’s important to learn how to focus on the vital few, rather than on the trivial many. Many of us don’t focus well, and this might be one of the reasons we ultimately end up defeated and disillusioned in life. Getting focused and remaining focused is one of the key ingredients to succeeding at anything in life. Life is about forward movements and change. This should be done in the context of our identity, purpose, vision, gifts, talents and destiny. Identity brings forth purpose, and purpose gives birth to vision. Without purpose and vision, life is reduced into a series of cycles of frustrations and despair. Purpose and vision makes trials, disappointments and sufferings of life bearable. When vision is discovered, it must be fueled by focus, determination and pursuit. Focus, determination and pursuit are significant ingredients that make vision a reality. Focus is the concentration of attention or energy on something. It is special emphasis put or attached to something. Focus is the central point or a point of convergence of attention or activity. Any action or activities taken in pursuit of vision must be of necessity focused, in order to produce desired results. Focus is the power or force that aligns us to what is important at different seasons of our lives. Usually unrealised dreams or visions are the result of blurred or broken focus. The inability to focus is the great enemy of change and success. Life doesn’t just happen, it’s all about choices and how one responds to positive and negative situations of life. When we are in the habit of making bad choices, failure often occurs. Our daily choices will ultimately determine whether we move forward in life or we remain the same year after year. The type of choices we consistently make will ultimately lay the foundation for our habits. Our words, actions and activities usually reveal the object of our focus. Focus demands that we cultivate the habit of ignoring certain things, certain conversations, and certain actions or behaviours of people. As a matter of fact, when we first embrace our vision and dreams in life, we usually pursue them with fervent determination and diligence. Then we lose focus by allowing irrelevant activities, things or distractive people to blur our focus. We then go through each day and week feeling discouraged, disappointed and sort of out of control. The problem with most of us is that we like focusing our mental energy on either that which went wrong or what is presently going wrong. This behaviour is usually the recipe for confusion and discouragement. We must cultivate the habit of appreciating what went right and what is going right presently. We will all once in a while experience setbacks, disappointments with people that we trusted, and sometimes some of our plans won’t play out as planned. Setbacks or obstacles should not be permitted to break our focus on that which is significant to our identity, purpose, vision gifts and destiny. We must always view them as necessary stations in the journey of life that build character, excellence and tenacity. Setbacks help us to stop, re-asses and refocus our thinking and activities. The mistakes of 2018 must be used as fuel to fire us back on course. Every mistake, challenge or problem must be perceived us an opportunity and possibility for a better and new beginning. The quality of determination plays a great role in keeping us moving towards destiny inspite of challenges. Determination is the act of making up your mind about something. It is a position or opinion reached after serious consideration. Determination is usually birthed when we come to the conclusion that the dream or vision is worth living or dying for. When we make up our minds about what we want to achieve in 2019, it will catapult us into a focused lifestyle. Determination is the power that help govern focus. Focus is the power or force that eliminates unproductive activities and habits. As we begin 2019, it is imperative that we identify and eliminate activities, habits and certain toxic relationships that hinder us from staying focused on things that matter in life. Let us get rid of all negative thought patterns, fear, slander, gossip, time wasters, energy zappers and destiny altering activities. We must respect and appreciate the past, and all its lessons, but we must not allow either our negative or positive experiences to imprison our potential, creativity, dreams and our ability to do things differently in 2019. Inspite of the hiccups of the journey of life, let’s keep on dreaming for a better future in our families, communities and nation. Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous new year.