Times Of Swaziland: From a man to women From a man to women ================================================================================ By Thabo Nkambule on 25/08/2013 04:39:00 In his first trip to South Africa as President of the United States of America, Barack Obama remarked that we could measure how well a country does by how it treats its women. This being women’s month, I would like to join the rest of the world in celebrating women and in advocating for a continued push towards ending the abuse against women and children. All the men who beat up women, for whatever romantic reasons, must understand that their actions are not only barbaric but idiotic as well. While many men may claim they do this because they suffer emotional and verbal abuse at the hands of their partners, beating them up for their words or actions still does not justify this stupid act of cowardice. As men, we need to perhaps understand that woman are emotional beings who often speak without much thinking when angry and therefore, walking away when she resorts to her ‘daily emotional tantrum’ may be the best decision a man can take. There is just no need for being a ‘Three Ninja Man’ or a mini Chuck Norris on a lady. All women are beautiful, regardless of their looks. They are God’s greatest gift to man and we should cherish and protect them. I respect all the responsible ladies out there. I value all the woman of honour and integrity who grace our land. For this, ladies have made life a beautiful thing to be part of. Praise therefore must be given to the woman who knows where she is going and will keep on until she gets there. I am talking about the woman who knows not only what she wants from life but what she has to offer in return. Let us salute the woman who is loyal to her man and family and who expects no more from them than she is willing to give. Let us give it out to the woman who brings joy to her man just by being herself and not envying what goes on in the house next door. Here is to the woman who respects her man and supports him through their dreams than being a nuisance through non-ending whining, nagging and unpredictable mood swings. Let us celebrate the woman who realises that a relationship is a work-in-progress and has its daily takes and challenges. Stabilising The woman who will do all in her power to work on building and stabilising that relationship until it gives out the best in life. Let us honour the women who understand that perfection is just a non-existent glorified opinion, the woman who realises that it is our imperfections that actually make us perfect. Women, especially responsible mothers, have the ability to bring out the best in all of their children under any given circumstances. Mothers have the potential to build up strong characters in their children. Of late, we have seen an increase in the number of ‘mother minded’ homes. This happens for a series of reasons. Primarily, this is usually so because men have lost their edge to be responsible. Many men resort to engaging in irresponsible behaviour, leaving their wives to single-handedly take charge of their families. The mothers often become an all in one, juggling between the roles of being a mother to being a father and back. A child always looks up to their parents for hope. Often at times that hope is found in the child’s mother. She naturally gives the child hope for a better future. She, like the famous house-music group called The Swedish House Mafia, will silently say, “Don’t you worry my child, heaven’s got a plan for you.” Personally, I always tell everyone who cares to listen that all mothers out there gave birth to children except my mother. She gave birth to a legend. She is a lady who understands the value of life, a lady who understood the need to make sacrifices. A lady who went from pillar to post to ensure that all her children got a good upbringing, a good education, a great value system, respect for life and humility as well as ensuring to provide for her children under generally difficult circumstances. A mother who is committed to loving her children into standing on higher ground than the environment surrounding them. Mothers are endowed with a love that is unlike any other on earth. I know the entire nation joins me in saying thank you to all the mothers out there, for it is through the mother that legends exist and continue to push the struggle for a good life for all. Mothers are always there to guide you always to succeed. They give you advice as per what is happening on the ground, not based on what you want to hear. When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You are going to get it anyway.” Process With the country in election mode, news coming from the various nominations points regarding the nomination process especially as relating to women is a bit worrying. Fakazile Luhlanga of Ndvwabangeni was not allowed permission to nominate as she was wearing cargo pants. At Lusabeni under Lubuli, an 18-year-old female nominee, Mana Mavimbela, was disqualified by Lindiwe Sukati because she was dressed in pants. A prominent traditionalist had also earlier said women in pants and miniskirts would not be allowed anywhere near some royal kraals. These incidents are a sign that we still have a long way to go as a country in the fight against the marginalisation of women. One cannot help but ask, “What has wearing pants got to do with one’s ability to do a good job as a parliamentarian?” This then brings me to the question: “Does the Swazi nation know what Members of Parliament are for?” If we may ask all those nominated what the roles of a parliamentarian are, would they be able to give a sound answer? What is the role of the Elections and Boundaries (EBC) beyond registering people to vote and actually facilitating the voting process? It is very clear that there needs to be a political education of the nation by the EBC or any relevant body on what parliament is about. Many people live under the misguided idea that MPs are development officers. That is why in most cases, people who win elections at the various constituencies do not campaign on politics but campaign only on issues surrounding rural development. The end result will be people getting into Parliament and demonstrating a highly confused behaviour. The product of a confused Parliament is a failed government. Currently, any popular person with enough votes can become an MP. There needs to be a minimum tertiary education requirement for any person intending to go into Parliament as a legislator. It is near impossible to effectively understand and debate to pass some policies based only on ‘street wisdom.’ In Parliament, we need people who understand education, economics, politics (outside of stomach politics), as well as clued up people who have a basic understanding of what it takes to move a country forward. May we vote for women (and men) of honour and integrity to form the 10th Parliament.