Times Of Swaziland: Swazi National Principal had affairs with teachers, pupil' Swazi National Principal had affairs with teachers, pupil' ================================================================================ MOSES DLAMINI on 30/11/2010 00:00:00 MBABANE - The wife of the Swazi National High School principal has alleged her husband had affairs with women, including teachers and a pupil from the same school. Lungile Gcinaphi Simelane (née Matsebula) made these allegations in her replying affidavit in court in a matter in which the Principal, Alec-Boy Simelane, wants to divorce her. In her papers, which were filed at the Mbabane Magistrates Court, Lungile alleges that her husband of 31 years had numerous adulterous affairs during the course of their marriage. Some of the numerous extra-marital affairs, including those with local women, which she claims, resulted in children being born. Simelane is yet to reply to these allegations as the matter proceeds in court. One of the women is Khabo Dludlu, a teacher at Swazi National High School, of whom it is alleged Simelane built a homestead and bought a car for. Another is Phindile Mabuza, also a teacher at the school, of whom it is alleged by Lungile that Simelane also bought a car and built a house for after the death of her husband. The third is a local woman from Ludzeludze, only identified as LaManyatsi, with whom it is alleged by Lungile that Simelane sired a girl, now between 25 and 28 years of age. Simelane is also alleged to have had an affair with Philisiwe Mthupha of Mbhuleni. Lungile states that Mthupha is a former pupil at the same school. She alleges that the schoolgirl engaged in an adulterous affair with the principal outside of, as well as around, the country. Rose Ngwenya is another woman who has been alleged as having had an affair with Simelane. Lungile alleges that the two have a child together. She also alleges that Simelane used to assault her (Lungile) when she questioned him about his relationships. Furthermore, Lungile alleges that Simelane denied her conjugal rights in the year 2000. She claims that, with the fixed intention of bringing their marriage to an end, he has physically assaulted her and subjected her to emotional abuse and humiliation. "I was also subjected to constant verbal and physical abuse by my husband such that I had to leave our matrimonial home with the children in fear of our lives," alleges Lungile. The principal filed an application to divorce his wife after she was allegedly involved in an adulterous affair with Peter Ginindza, it is claimed since 2007. He alleged that the two engaged in their illicit affair in Manzini, Mbabane and other places which he claimed he did not know. Simelane adds that Ginindza’s wife admitted to the affair between Lungile and Ginindza in 2009. He claims the restoration of conjugal rights, failing which a final decree of divorce with Lungile forfeiting the benefits of their marriage. In response to the allegations by her husband, Lungile says such an affair never existed: "It is disputed that the defendant (Lungile) has engaged in an adulterous affair with the said Peter Ginindza who happens to have been known by her from school going days," says Lungile. Simelane and Lungile married in February 2, 1979 in civil rites and in community of property and they have five children, born between 1979 and 1998. They have their matrimonial home in Matsapha. Lungile wants the divorce application, which is pending at the Mbabane Magistrates Court, dismissed with costs. She is represented by Mkhwanazi Attorneys. ...wife wants E5 000 monthly maintenance MBABANE- Lungile Simelane, the wife of Swazi National High School Principal, Alec-Boy Simelane, wants her husband to pay E5 000 for maintenance. Lungile has filed an application at the High Court in which she wants her husband to be ordered to pay her E5 000 per month for her maintenance and a further E10 000 which has to be a contribution to the legal costs of the divorce proceedings which he has filed at the Mbabane Magistrates Court. She also wants him to pay the costs of this application. At the present moment, she says Simelane does not make any contributions towards her maintenance and welfare. Woman paid over E17 000, but takes home E2 400 MBABANE – The principal’s wife, who is a civil servant, says she earns E17 820 but only goes home with E2 480. In her sworn papers, she says that she is currently employed by the Ministry of Education and Training and according to her salary advice slip, she gets a monthly salary of E17 820.33. However, she says after deductions, she goes home with E2 480.35. "Currently, I am employed by the Swaziland Government under the Ministry of Education and Training and earn a net monthly salary of E2 480.35 which is insufficient for my and the children’s monthly basic necessities," she said. She brings it to the attention of the court that the above expenses far exceed her net pay and she is unable to survive without the financial support and assistance of her husband. She adds, on top of her monthly maintenance, she believes that the legal costs of the application that has been filed by Simelane would cost around E20 000, which she claims she cannot afford. "The respondent (Simelane) is in gainful employment and earns a salary over E15 000 per month. He also collects rentals from the parties’ house situated at Ngwane Park cheap rolex replica and Fairview at the rate of E3 500 per month," says Lungile. Both the matter of the divorce and maintenance are pending at the Mbabane Magistrates Court and the High Court respectively. Simelane is represented by Mbuso E. Simelane Attorneys. ------------------------- Comments This should serve Simelane right! He really did not deserve to take the reigns after the retirement of the former head teacher, Miss Mkhabela. He is just so not exemplary in every way. He would smoke along the corridors during learning hours, leave early for lunch and come back over an hour after lunch (if at all), and not mind having parents wait for hour on end just so as to have audience with him. His relationships with students and teachers alike have always been known, but no action has been taken against this man, and for that, I frown upon the ministry, since I'm most certain that this issue is not new on the minister's desk. The man is not exemplary, even at all, has a disgusting attitude towards parents, he should just go to jail! Thank you. Former SNHS teacher. Nov 30, 2010, 3:35 PM, anonymous (N/A)