Times Of Swaziland: SA murder convict stalking Times Entertainment Editor SA murder convict stalking Times Entertainment Editor ================================================================================ MBONGENI NDLELA on 15/11/2011 00:00:00 MBABANE – A South African murder convict is stalking Times Entertainment Editor Ntombi Mhlongo from prison. The convict, Moses Kheseni Nkosi, is currently doing time in South Africa. Nkosi has identified himself as a former soldier. He was arrested in 2005 after he shot and killed a man whom he claims was also trying to shoot him. Nkosi says he is serving a 15-year sentence but he is now left with 17 months before his release. However, he expresses himself as having undying love for Mhlongo. Nkosi wrote a three-paged love-letter to Mhlongo in which he expresses his undying love and also sent his picture. Furthermore, Nkosi wants to make arrangements for Mhlongo to meet with his parents in preparation for a marriage he expects will happen when he gets out of jail. "This letter is specially for you and now you have it in your hands. This letter will make your life easier and happier. The words will inspire you, improve your self-esteem and uplift your spirit. These words I write for you is your guide to success. I want you to be a part of my life by sharing your dreams with me," reads part of Nkosi’s letter to Mhlongo. Nkosi continued: "I know you must be shocked more especially when you receive my letter because I am in prison. Things that drove me to write you this letter is love that I have for you (sic). It’s hard to think about spending crucial years of my youth in prison but God has the purpose of me (sic)." He also wrote the following, although he has never met Mhlongo: "Ntombi I need you in my life... My love is true to you baby, it is true love. Nothing matters in painfully moments trust God in happy moments (sic). I will always promise to give you the best of myself and ask you no more than you can give (sic). I want to marry you. I hope love will put us together," Nkosi wrote. ...Mhlongo now fears for her life MBABANE – The stalked Entertainment Editor Ntombi Mhlongo says she now fears for her life. Mhlongo says what is shocking is that she has never met her stalker, Moses Kheseni Nkosi, before. "I don’t know where Nkosi got my number but the annoying thing is that he calls me twice a day and tells me about his undying love. I don’t know the man and I have never met nor spoke to him before," said Mhlongo She said: "During one of his many calls I asked him where he knew me from and he told me he saw me on the internet while he was reading the Times of Swaziland." ------------------------- Comments This is quite a shame, the reporter about this story does'nt know the difference between stalking and declaring undying love for the entertainment editor. This is cheap reporting. but on the other hand it got me reading though. This is not even news worthy. Vicky Nov 15, 2011, 7:53 AM, Vick E Dlamini (vickyadlamini@yahoo.com) Swazi women must be careful of human traffickers, as in Swaziland particularly it is rife. As for you Ntombi, do not do as most Swazi ladies do, you are not cheap more especially if you have a husband. Who told this guy that you don't have a husband? Do us proud sisi. Nov 15, 2011, 9:58 AM, selby (smthizo@gmail.com) True Love knows no bounds!! ((pun intended)) :) Gana lomuntfu yemake! Nov 15, 2011, 9:58 AM, The Real Zondo (sphezee@yahoo.com) This reporting is not newsworthy and lacks substance and not objective. From what I see here its a publicity stunt from Ntombi. This guy is not stalking her or even threatning her. She fears for her life for Kusonywa ngumuntfu langamati. Please guys look for news not this load of rubbish. Nov 15, 2011, 11:53 AM, gabriel (gabmas@realnet.co.sz) Induku enhle ivela ezizweni. Knowing that we all share a common history ie that of coming from EMBO in the mountains between Kenya and Uganda, Ntombi should not be afraid if we are drawn to her like honey and the bees. She is elagant, beautiful and seems of great character, traits noticeable even on the internet without eye contact. The fact that we might not be able to meet her personally should assure her that she is not and will never ever be in danger, we just like the Swazi in her - a true breed from great genetic make up of her parents. She must be indeed proud of these two who brought her to this world. With her royalty (natural), she can command anything and it will come her way!!!! We do not mean any harm or threats of physical personal violence towards her and therefore, must not fear visiting South Africa with her friends and/or her husband. We just like to look at her like Swazis like to look at the former divorced now married Zanele Mbokazi. She can also possibly become tired of her Swazi husband and begin to seek greener velds, who knows? Nov 15, 2011, 11:53 AM, Themba Douglas Sobethu KaMageba (Pretoria) (tdntshangase@ruraldevelopment.gov.za) Kufanele ulilanga liphuma etintsabeni lomake..kodvwa ngoba sowenza, asale akhohlwa lomnomuzane Nkosi njengoba nalabanye sebakhohlwa. Nov 15, 2011, 11:53 AM, Brother-Leader Sanele Lungelo Dlamini (drsaneledlamini@yahoo.com) A man expressing himself to a lady is not stalking. Kusoma loko. I'm happily married and I got my wife in the same fashion as this so-called stalker! There are two options for Ms Mhlongo: Agree to the proposal to share her life with this ex-con or reject it. By the way, Graca Machel is married to an ex-con in Mandela! Now that puts things into perspective, yes? Nov 15, 2011, 11:53 AM, Hhohho (hho@try.co)