Times Of Swaziland: TEACH THE YOUTH TO RESPECT ELDERS ================================================================================ Editor on 21/01/2025 08:11:00 Sir,There is an issue that has been increasingly troubling me - the diminishing respect for our elders within our society. As we reflect on our MINISTER, INCREASE SOCIAL GRANTS THIS YEAR ================================================================================ Editor on 20/01/2025 08:01:00 Sir, As a concerned citizen and advocate for social welfare, I am writing to emphasise the importance of incorporating substantial funding for social grants in STRAY CATTLE ARE DANGEROUS ================================================================================ Editor on 20/01/2025 07:57:00 Sir, I am writing to raise awareness about a growing concern in our community—the increasing number of stray cattle roaming near public roads. This issue VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER ================================================================================ Editor on 19/01/2025 06:27:00 Sir,Mozambique’s opposition leader, Venancio Mondlane, and Swaziland Liberation Movement President, Mduduzi Gawuzela Simelane, have been the root cause behind the death, homelessness and joblessness in DON’T GIVE BAIL TO RAPE-ACCUSED PERSONS ================================================================================ Editor on 19/01/2025 06:21:00 May I raise concern about the tendency to give bail to people who are accused of rape. How many cases have been reported in 2024 and TEACHERS MUST ACCOUNT FOR PUPILS’ FAILURE ================================================================================ Editor on 14/01/2025 07:53:00 Sir,I am writing to address a matter that is of great importance to our education system: the accountability of teachers concerning pupil’s performance, particularly in WATER HARVESTING ESSENTIAL NOW ================================================================================ Editor on 14/01/2025 07:44:00 Sir,The importance of water harvesting in homes is crucial. As water scarcity continues to rise globally due to climate change, urbanisation and population growth, the CONTRASTING ‘GAW’ZELA’ TO MONDLANE? ================================================================================ Editor on 13/01/2025 07:48:00 Sir,While the Swaziland Liberation Movement (SWALIMO) doesn’t wish to make comparisons of the two leaders in question, it necessitates to respond according to what has ESWATINI BEACON OF STABILITY IN THE REGION ================================================================================ Editor on 13/01/2025 07:42:00 Sir,As Africa continues to grapple with the challenges of governance, the Kingdom of Eswatini stands out as a beacon of stability and continuity.While other African WHY NO OFFICIAL OPENING OF HIGH COURT? ================================================================================ Editor on 12/01/2025 07:30:00 Madam, The official opening of the judicial year is a solemn occasion in front of a distinguished gathering which includes diplomats, the minister for Justice