Times Of Swaziland: TWO YEARS HAVE PASSED, WHO MURDERED THULANI? TWO YEARS HAVE PASSED, WHO MURDERED THULANI? ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 26/01/2025 07:18:00 “Death is a fate that awaits each one of us - including your killer/s. Their act was nefarious, diabolic, cowardly and barbaric... “No human being has the right to take another human being’s life. The mere fact that two years after your tragic passing away, countless people are still mourning your untimely death is testimony to the fact that you were iconic and a priceless asset not only to the country, but globally as well. “You fought the good, moral fight and a crown awaits you in the resurrection. We will ALL face judgement - your killers, too - for our deeds, (good or bad) committed on this sinful and broken world. Your killers’ fate lies in the lake of fire where all the bad and the ugly will fry. Rest well, Comrade Ngcamane. Your memory will never...fade...” The (above) preceding missive represents a profoundly distressing revelation I disseminated on my Facebook wall this past Tuesday. It was a moment steeped in vivid recollection of the day when the existence of an extraordinary and iconic human being was abruptly and tragically extinguished by the insidious act of a malevolent assassin. This killer, in a cowardly and duplicitous manner, determined that the late internationally renowned lawyer and human rights advocate was unworthy of life. Shocking On January 21st, 2023, the nation was engulfed in shocking and incredulous news regarding the assassination of Thulani Rudolph Maseko; such information reverberated throughout the country, leaving many, including myself, utterly dumbfounded. It was indeed astonishing news and I found it difficult to accept. I was not alone in my incredulity, as numerous individuals within and outside the country, hoped fervently that this announcement was merely the cruel jest of a deranged psyche. Thulani Rudolph Maseko...DEAD? This notion was so preposterous that a part of me obstinately refused to acknowledge the devastating reality. However, on the morning of January 22, 2024, the piercing headlines from the nation’s mainstream media and various online outlets served to confirm the harrowing truth: Thulani Maseko was indeed, dead - his life brutally extinguished by an assassin’s bullet! He was no more... The persistent enquiries that pervade the consciousness of all individuals who cherish peace, which emerged with notable urgency, are as follows: Why was he murdered? Who was responsible for this heinous act? Was it merely the deed of a solitary, disturbed individual who could neither comprehend nor tolerate the reality that Thulani epitomised moral integrity and engaged in a tranquil struggle against a plethora of injustices inflicted not only by Swati upon Swati, but by humanity at large? Thulani embodied a gentle spirit; he was, in essence, a saint—a fierce, unwavering and resilient critic of all manifestations of injustice. Everyone who encountered him can attest to the veracity of his unwavering beliefs (he was steadfast in his convictions). He was a steadfast proponent of peace, a visionary who dedicated his life to the creation of an Eswatini where every individual, regardless of their background, could coexist in harmony. Freedoms His commitment to fostering an inclusive society was unwavering, as he believed that true progress could only be achieved when everyone was empowered to fully exercise their constitutional rights - rights that encompassed freedom of expression, association and movement, etc.Thulani Maseko understood that these freedoms were not merely privileges, but fundamental human rights that should be accessible to all, and he tirelessly championed their importance in the fabric of society. Rejecting violent solutions to conflict, he stood firmly against the cycle of aggression that often perpetuated suffering and division. Instead, he advocated for peaceful dialogue, emphasising the importance of communication and understanding in resolving disputes. His philosophy was rooted in the principle of agreeing to disagree, which encouraged individuals to respect differing viewpoints while seeking common ground. He believed that through open conversations and mutual respect, even the most entrenched conflicts could be navigated without resorting to violence. Tragically, his unwavering commitment to these ideals came at a steep cost. In the end, he paid the ultimate price for his relentless support of the marginalised and oppressed, a sacrifice that underscored the profound risks that individuals often face in the pursuit of justice. His assassination was not just a loss for his community, but a stark reminder of the dangers that accompany the fight for equality and human rights. Hope While the motives behind his brutal killing remain shrouded in mystery, it is likely that the assassin was merely a pawn in a larger game, manipulated by shadowy forces that perceived him as a significant threat to their unjust agendas. These forces, entrenched in power and resistant to change, viewed his advocacy for the oppressed as a direct challenge to their authority and control. Thulani’s legacy, however, endures as a beacon of hope for those who continue to strive for a just and equitable society. His life and work serve as a powerful reminder that the pursuit of peace and justice often requires immense courage and sacrifice. In the face of adversity, he inspired countless others to stand up against oppression, fostering a spirit of resilience that will not be easily extinguished. His vision for a harmonious Eswatini, where every voice is heard and valued, continues to resonate, urging future generations to carry the torch of peace and justice forward, even in the darkest of times. Following the tragic news of Thulani’s premature and violent death, a pervasive fear gripped those advocating for democracy. The air was thick with anxiety, and a chilling uncertainty settled over the community. Each individual found themselves grappling with the unsettling question of who might be targeted next. Would it be a fellow activist, a journalist or perhaps even a quiet supporter of the movement? The spectre of violence loomed large, casting a shadow over the very ideals we fought to uphold. As a columnist known for addressing injustices, I too felt this anxiety creeping into my thoughts, weighing heavily on my conscience. I contemplated whether to persist in my critical writing, questioning if my words could still hold power in a climate where dissent was met with brutality. While I do not belong to any political organisation, I have spent restless nights contemplating the threats that seem to hide in every corner. Commitment I reflected on how Thulani, unaware of the fate that awaited him, lounged peacefully in his living room surrounded by his loving family when, without warning, the sound of gunfire pierced through an open window, swiftly taking the life of this figure. However, in the middle of this turmoil and fear, I recalled Thulani’s encouraging words from our first meeting years ago at the launch of a prominent democracy advocate, Mphandla Shongwe’s book. His quiet, firm and reassuring voice echoed in my mind, a beacon of hope amids the darkness. He urged me to remain steadfast in my commitment to truth, emphasising the importance of writers who confront reality without compromise. ‘‘Our words are our weapons,’’ he had said, ‘and they can pierce through the veil of oppression.’ In that moment, I felt a surge of determination. Thulani had faced his own fears and had fought valiantly for the cause we both believed in. With renewed resolve, I made the decision to continue my work. I understood that silence would only serve to embolden those who sought to stifle our voices. Accepting the risks that came with my commitment to justice, I steeled myself for the possibility that my life could be threatened by those who oppose it. If that were to happen, I vowed to face it with courage, just as Thulani had done. I would not allow fear to dictate my actions or silence my pen. Instead, I would honour his memory by amplifying the truth, shining a light on the injustices that plagued our society, and standing firm in the belief that our collective voices could bring about change. In the face of adversity, I chose to be a part of those who valued truth, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who dare to dream of a better world. Two years have elapsed since the violent murder of Thulani Maseko, a crime that sent shockwaves through the community and raised serious questions about the state of justice in Eswatini. Despite the passage of time, justice continues to be frustratingly out of reach for Maseko’s family and supporters. The evident absence of a swift, comprehensive, unbiased, independent, transparent and effective Enquiry into this atrocious act is profoundly troubling and raises concerns about the integrity of the justice system itself.The Eswatini Government, in the wake of this tragedy, assured the public that every effort would be made to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice. However, as the months have turned into years, the lack of tangible progress has led many to question the sincerity of these assurances. The community has witnessed a troubling pattern of inaction, with little to no updates on the investigation, leaving many to wonder whether the authorities are truly committed to uncovering the truth or if they are merely paying lip service to the demands for justice. While I generally maintain an optimistic outlook on life and the potential for positive change, I find myself grappling with a deep sense of despair regarding this particular case. The absence of accountability and the apparent disregard for the rule of law have created an environment where hope is dwindling. Intervention I fear that, in this instance, only Divine intervention may ultimately resolve this grave issue. It seems that without a significant shift in the political will and a genuine commitment to uphold justice, the memory of Thulani Maseko may fade into obscurity, leaving his family and the community to bear the weight of their grief without closure. As we reflect on the ongoing struggle for justice, it is crucial to remember that the fight for accountability is not just about one individual; it is about the fundamental principles of human rights, dignity and the rule of law. The failure to address this case adequately sends a chilling message to society, suggesting that violence can go unpunished and that the lives of individuals can be disregarded without consequence. It is imperative that we continue to advocate for a thorough investigation and demand that those in power take meaningful action to ensure that justice is served, not only for Thulani Maseko but for all who have suffered at the hands of violence and injustice. I call upon all citizens, from leaders to everyday individuals, to prioritise peace and advocate for the resolution of our political and social issues through dialogue rather than violence. Violence will not resolve our conflicts; we must engage in constructive discussions as a united emaSwati nation, despite our differing political perspectives.