Times Of Swaziland: TRUMP CARD: A TEST FOR ESWATINI ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 02/02/2025 09:16:00 Foreign governments face an acid test and a wake-up call as newly-inaugurated American President Donald Trump plays his trump card... Trump’s alarming and unexpected freeze on TWO YEARS HAVE PASSED, WHO MURDERED THULANI? ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 26/01/2025 07:18:00 “Death is a fate that awaits each one of us - including your killer/s. Their act was nefarious, diabolic, cowardly and barbaric... “No human being has CIVIL SOCIETY MUST HOLD LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 19/01/2025 06:31:00 We have moved from an age in which government leaders sought to do what was best for the people to one in which the political FAILURE TO RESPECT CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 12/01/2025 07:32:00 Although the Times of Eswatini, the foremost newspaper in the nation, has recently covered this alarming incident, I deemed it necessary to discuss the issue further. The TIME FOR POLITICIANS TO WAKE UP! ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 05/01/2025 05:49:00 The article presented today aims to inspire and galvanise local politicians as we transition into the new year; it emphasises the critical responsibility they bear THE CANCER THAT IS CORRUPTION ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 01/12/2024 14:00:00 It is conceivable that I may not survive long enough to experience the event when it eventually occurs. I am prepared, though to embrace a bold ALL VOICES NEEDED NOW TO END GBV ================================================================================ Alex Nxumalo on 20/10/2024 14:52:00 “The campaign to end domestic violence needs the voices of men as well as women, challenging the cultural, economic and political context in which we