Times Of Swaziland: RSSC INVESTS E170 MILLION IN MHLUME EXPANSION RSSC INVESTS E170 MILLION IN MHLUME EXPANSION ================================================================================ BY KWANELE DHLADHLA on 17/01/2018 00:44:00 MBABANE – Approximately 400 jobs have been created, 950 hectares of cane planted and E170 million invested towards expansion of the Mhlume Factory. This is the story of the Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation (RSSC) in its quest to be globally competitive. The corporation has spelled out strong intentions to reduce the unit cost of production as Southern African Customs Union (SACU) markets continue to be under pressure from Brazil imports. The removal of import quotas in October, which has also put the whole of Europe under price pressure, motivates one of the most pivotal reasons why reducing production costs remains a priority for one of the largest sugar producing companies in the kingdom. Managing Director (MD) Nick Jackson informed the Business Desk that the multi-million mill expansion and highly increased sugar cane plantations ought to improve production which would culminate in profitability of the business. “We want to improve our capacity of the Mhlume Factory by investing up to E170 million,” Jackson disclosed. He mentioned that cleaning works were being undertaken on the factory’s evaporators which would help make it to operate more hours in the year. Through funding from the European Union (EU) Jackson said they had been able to establish two grower groups with about 100 members. He said growers had planted cane at 950 hectares in December to improve production this year. The growers are: Umbombo Wendlovu and Myangombili. In terms of job opportunities presented the overall factory upgrade and increased plantations, Jackson explained that about 200 people had been engaged for the upgrade through contractors, 100 jobs created through planting undertaken in December. The corporation has also set its eyes on planting 400 hectares.