Times Of Swaziland: THOSE CLOSER TO KING DENY HIM PEACE THOSE CLOSER TO KING DENY HIM PEACE ================================================================================ By Musa Hlophe on 19/08/2018 00:52:00 I was greatly moved by an article in one of the daily newspapers last week, in which the journalist exposed how the government that claimed to be broke is on the other hand hell-bent on providing the prime minister accommodation at a hotel. This comes at a time when the public servants are planning strikes that could bring this country to a complete halt. Nurses are protesting over the lack of medical supplies to treat the ordinary citizens who cannot afford to be flown to Taiwan for treatment. All this is happening under the leadership of the longest serving PM this country has ever had, and ministers who were entrusted by our King. Alas, they are the ones who have turned this country into a banana kingdom. They will be leaving office on September 4, 2018 after successfully depleting the government coffers, arguably through clandestine ways. untrusted electoral system We are now in the process of forming a new Parliament, from which a new Cabinet would be selected. What is disturbing is how all those to be elected, would have been produced by an untrusted electoral system, which has been long condemned by institutions including the Commonwealth. It is from these people that the the King will choose and entrust to public office. But what good shall they do once they are in these positions? What good has the outgoing Cabinet done for us, for which we can thank them? There is absolutely nothing, except meddling in matters such as the one we see at the on-going saga at the Mbabane Municipality, where the minister has been insisting on keeping an employee despite the expiry of contract. He imposed the CEO on the councillors. Look at the road from Lukhula to Big Bend in the Lubombo Region. state of the road In as much as I like our outgoing Member of Parliament who comes from KaLanga Chiefdom, but he cannot justify his need for going to Parliament for another 5-year term when considering the state of the road. Coincidentally, it is reliably serviced by his own bus. When looking at the terrible condition of the bus, you can imagine how terrible the road is. Despite this, I have never heard him calling upon Minister Lindiwe Dlamini to urgently sort out this totally destroyed road. Instead it took the Member from Tikhuba Constituency, the young Phila Buthelezi, to call upon government to look at the road without either Sousa or the MP of Mpolonjeni supporting him. It was also Manzini North Member of Parliament Jan Sithole who had the courage to talk to some of construction companies and others about this road. It was agreed that construction companies should construct the road and be paid later. Sithole further took the matter with the minister and in the process she (minister Lindiwe) was prompted to go down to Siteki to view the road. After all, she promised action, but three years later, she has done nothing.