Times Of Swaziland: ANTI-CORRUPTION COMPLIANCE LAUNCHED ANTI-CORRUPTION COMPLIANCE LAUNCHED ================================================================================ Sabelo Majola on 24/08/2020 08:14:00 MBABANE – The COMESA Business Council (CBC) is launching the Regional Model Code on Anti-corruption Compliance for Enterprises in the COMESA Region. COMESA is the acronym for Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. This will be discussed in a two-day virtual workshop for Chambers and Associations to be held today and tomorrow in English, and on August 26 and 27 in French. “Anti-corruption compliance has become a key requisite for regional and global partnerships; empowering the private sector to stem corruption and enhance their participation in transparency and anti-corruption reform initiatives is essential to creating an enabling business environment and sustainable partnerships,” said Sandra Uwera, Chief Executive Officer of the COMESA Business Council. She said this initiative was part of the business integrity project that the CBC has been implementing in partnership with the Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), through which over 200 enterprises in COMESA have received capacity building assistance related to best practices in business ethics and integrity. Corruption Expected outcomes of the training workshops, is that associations would be able to investigate and articulate the need for corruption prevention within their own governance structures; appreciate and understand the methods for mapping, developing and reviewing an effective compliance programme that meets international standards; and that they will be able to promote compliance among their members. This is in line with the undertakings that the Kingdom of Eswatini made to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) when requesting the E1.7 billion loan which IMF approved. The government said it would intensify reforms to strengthen governance, transparency and accountability, and reduce vulnerabilities to state-capture and other forms of corruptions. Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg said government had taken a multi-pronged approach which included, among other things, to publish on the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA)’s website (www.ndma.org.sz) bi-monthly reports on funds released and expenditures incurred for health, social and other crisis-mitigation spending.