Times Of Swaziland: GOVT NEEDS TO BOOST DOMESTIC INDUSTRIAL SECTOR GOVT NEEDS TO BOOST DOMESTIC INDUSTRIAL SECTOR ================================================================================ Nhlanganiso Mkhonta on 12/02/2024 08:39:00 MBABANE – SARFED Regional Coordinator Dr George Choongwa says there is a need to boost the domestic industrial sector, especially in the areas of production of essential goods and services. In his weekly statement, the Southern African Research Foundation for Economic Development regional coordinator stated that government could engage in early adjustments in its fiscal space, causing it to be more sustainable so as to cushion unexpected shock that could be caused by market forces. Dr Choongwa said government had of late been embarking and funding the development of factory shells at regional level for the past five years or so, and this could be the right time for the facilitation and development of this concept to full utility capacity. He said increasing employment opportunities in strategic sectors of the economy was fundamental as this would bring about increased levels of innovation and sustainability. He said considering the fact that unemployment levels were still high in the country, promoting an innovative policy as a key economic tool would serve at a great level. Structures He opined that the government could take advantage of promoting and transforming local structures such as traditional practices into economic beacons that would enable the citizens of Eswatini to establish better ways of addressing their challenges in a more cost-effective manner. The economist added that government should embrace the practice of reviewing the budget implementation process on a short-term basis to ensure that economic resources were within the confines of fiscal prudence. “This would help in advancing cost-effective measures in the preceding budgetary activities,” he said. Dr Choongwa mentioned that issues of social vices such as corruption and poor accountability would significantly reduce the benefit of the well-being of the economy. He further highlighted that the years 2024/25 have been considered as periods of economic recovery and stability on a global perspective. He said Eswatini should use this opportunity for an effective fiscal consolidation through the engagement of ideal cost-effective measures of structural adjustment programme. “This would serve as a launch pad for the facilitation of a vibrant economic structure for sustainable competitiveness in the preceding years in preparation of the agenda 2030,” he said.