Times Of Swaziland: INTERIM COMMITTEE FORMED TO ASSIS BUTCHERY OWNERS INTERIM COMMITTEE FORMED TO ASSIS BUTCHERY OWNERS ================================================================================ Mlondzi Nkambule on 23/02/2024 08:36:00 MANZINI - Following the ban on slaughtering animals at their premises, local butchery owners have formed a five-member interim committee that will be responsible for taking care of their issues. The committee was set up yesterday at a meeting the butchery owners hosted in order to find a way forward following a ban by the Director of Veterinary Services Xolani Dlamini that prohibits the owners from slaughtering animals at their butchery premises. The committee will be responsible for liaising with the minister of Agriculture’s office to find a way forward and present to him the challenges they are currently facing regardless of the fact that the minister lifted the ban. Another responsibility the committee will have will be to help influence policymaking in the long-run by making contributions on behalf of the butchery owners. The committee has representatives from all the four Regions of the country.