Times Of Swaziland: A BEAUTY INSIDE & OUT! A BEAUTY INSIDE & OUT! ================================================================================ BY DUDU DUBE on 27/10/2018 08:33:00 This week, is a week of giving and sharing in the globe, and everyone is encouraged to make a change and be part of the giving week and helping the needy, it all starts with your neighbour, charity begins at home. GCWALA profiles one of the finest girls in the kingdom, who is not only a beauty but with brains and a genuine spirit of helping the needy, not forgetting the love of travelling which also helps her view the whole world differently and interestingly. She is a student in one of the best universities in the country, UNESWA, studying law but also into modelling. Who is Cole? Cole is an enthusiastic female, ambitious, a people’s person and loves to socialize with family, especial my sister/best friend Kiara Simmons who also goes by the name of Kiki. What does she do? At the moment I am currently doing distance learning at UNISA, commercial law, first year. Why chose law yet she loves travelling? Growing up as a child I used to love watching legal shows like Judge Judy and I found it interesting how in charge the judge would be, it inspired me to study law and in the future I would like to study further and get my PHD so that I can be a judge. I am still going to travel but I am trying to be successful right now, plus I’m Sagittarius, I’m adventurous and spontaneous, I’m driven to explore new things by travelling. Since it’s a week of giving, do you believe in giving? Yes, I do, that’s what my parents have taught me to do. Do you have any plans on being part of the giving week by helping? Yes I do, Kiki and I are donating some clothes to our church this coming Sunday and we are planning on donating sanitary pads to the unfortunate who live around the area. What inspires you? My inspiration in life is obviously to be happy and wealthy. You also want to be a model why? I’d like to be a model because it’s also a hobby that I genuinely enjoy and I’d like it to be something that I do on the side while I study for entertainment as I am still young. What do you learn from visiting other countries? I learn a lot, for example, how to interact with different people who speak different languages, with different traditions; I find it interesting how they go about their lives, what they eat, what they wear and the different festivals. If you had super powers what would you do or change? If I had super powers I’d change the people in this world, I would change how people treat each other because everything begins with love and I feel like if we were all to love each other genuinely, the world would be a better place. FUN FACTS ABOUT COLE l She has a boyfriend in South Africa. l She is a talkative person. l Adores her sister Kiki. l Not good with makeup. l Enjoys drawing. l Bookworm. Cole also pleaded with entities or anyone who is interested in helping them provide sanitary pads and clothes to the needy.