Times Of Swaziland: BROKEN CRAYONS STILL COLOUR ... BROKEN CRAYONS STILL COLOUR ... ================================================================================ BY THEMBELANI NHLABATSI on 19/04/2020 06:07:00 Life’s challenges teach us many things about ourselves, where we come from and where we are going. It is us who decide how we want those challenges to finish our stories, we fall every time but what is most important is the number of times we rise when we fall. We chat to Nokwanda Sithole, who has survived a loss of a loved one whom she loved dearly. She tells STYLE that it was a heart wrenching moment for her because everyone was talking about it. She managed to pick up the broken shards of rose coloured glass that had fallen before her and here she tells us of how. Give us a brief background about yourself. Nokwanda Sithole is an ambitious, determined young lady who is also a go-getter. I was born and raised at Siphocosini in Mbabane where I completed high school education before going to the University of Eswatini to pursue a degree in Environmental Health and Food Science, where I am now doing my fourth year. In high school, I had a drama club, where I wrote scripts, actively participated in debates as well as spelling bees. While at school I explored my talents in writing by being a part of the students who participated in the writing and publishing of the first school magazine at Siphocosini High School. I also got into the entertainment industry through modelling which I started late 2016 after a photo shoot with a local fashion brand, CAVA Wear, which landed us in the newspapers. That was my breakthrough and thereafter I worked with a number of local fashion brands where I did numerous fashion shows and became a brand ambassador for some. Modelling has helped me to meet with relevant people and with that it accelerated me to become an artist promoter and an artist manager in 2017. I have changed focus now as I am not into modelling anymore. I have now focused my energy on mentoring young and aspiring models. In 2018, I started writing professionally and started an art blog called Sky Art, which has been running since then. I have also branched into clothing such that in December 2019,I released my own fashion brand called Sky Wear, which was successfully launched in March at Mega Lounge. Out of all the things that you have mentioned, which one has been your utmost favourite and why? Writing is my first love. It has always been that one thing I excelled in since my English classes in primary and high school. Moreover, writing has so many aspects in one, its fun and I also get to tell people’s stories as well as use my wild imagination. I get to inspire and motivate other people, which is my everyday aspiration. It is also very therapeutic. Seeing how life turned out eventually would you have preferred a different ending and why? I believe this is only the beginning and I definitely would not want things to have turned out differently in any way. In as much as there was heartbreak, pain and tears but I believe everything happens for a reason and God always has a plan that is greater than my own. If things were different from how they turned out, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. Everything that happens in life prepares you for something bigger and better, the best version of yourself. Trust me, what doesn’t kill you, really makes you stronger. Is there a moment in life where you felt that your strength was being tested? At some point, I felt like everything was just too much for me to handle. I was overwhelmed. I asked myself, how one person could carry so much pain alone. It was a puzzle! But I’ve always been a strong person. My friends would even force me to cry sometimes when I’d hold everything in and pretend I was fine. They would say, they knew me as a strong person but wished I would not hold anything in. How did you survive that instance? I took it one day at a time and stopped acting like everything was okay. I went through therapy and cried when I needed to. I wrote my feelings down when I didn’t feel like talking but most importantly I prayed. How has your business helped you in coping with your loss over the years? Finding something to do is always good so that you don’t find yourself thinking about all the terrible memories of a tragedy. I chose something that makes me happy. I love clothes and so I found myself doing fashion. Sky Wear keeps me busy and I get to do what I love. So I’m definitely in a good mental space right now. If you had superpowers, what would you do? I would read people’s minds *laughs* because I’m not much of a talker and that would just make everything simple for me in all aspects of my life. What is the one thing you look forward to with each waking day? It is learning something new, I love being challenged intellectually so I read something or watch some thing. I believe lessons can be found anywhere even from the person sitting next to you. What has living in the era of COVID-19 taught you? Man! It’s really crazy how we will one day be telling our children and grandchildren that there was a point in time in our lives that we weren’t allowed to actually go outside and just do whatever we wanted to do and this will be the time when they find us sitting outside for no reason. This era has taught me to appreciate family, friends and basic human contact and interactions. Now I’ve learnt how important it is to actually interact with other people. It is a vital matter in our lives. Mostly to be grateful to have a roof over my head, food on the table and a family that takes care of me. Some people don’t have that and when they were told to go home and stay home its either they did not have anywhere to go, or they already struggle for food and have to go out and fend every day or they are being abused at home. This is the sad reality, unfortunately. So I urge people to count their blessings. What items can you never live without in your bag? My phone, my shades and lipstick.