Times Of Swaziland: COVID-19 OPPORTUNITY TO GENERATE TOURISM IDEAS COVID-19 OPPORTUNITY TO GENERATE TOURISM IDEAS ================================================================================ BY PHIWASE PHUNGWAYO on 18/09/2020 09:04:00 MBABANE – Minister of Tourism and Environmental Authority says the COVID-19 pandemic has given an opportunity for emaSwati to generate ideas for tourism destinations in the country. He declared this during a media briefing to officially close the edition of the Swazi Rally 2020 Vakasha Ekhaya initiative. It follows the launch of an edition where Riders Ranch encouraged bikers and friends to explore the Kingdom of Eswatini by riding and driving to different local tourism attractions across the country in the last weekend of August 2020. “COVID-19 has proven to us that we can live and enjoy our own- let us therefore take this period to reflect and come up with innovative ideas so that we can all enjoy the benefits of supporting local efforts,” the minister said. opportunities He went on to say the size of the kingdom provided good opportunities to experience different tourism products. “Therefore, during this Tourism Month we encourage all emaSwati to travel and explore the wonders of Eswatini responsibly, under the guidance of health and safety protocols,” Vilakati said. Minister Vilakati applauded the innovative efforts made by the Riders Ranch team, and challenged all emaSwati to continue to engage and travel within the kingdom. Vilakati said the purpose of the event was to stimulate local tourism to boost the strained economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic. He said it was reported that the Bikers Rally was very successful with positive feedback from local attractions (hotels, lodges, B&B’s and restaurants). Vilakati added that the event was accident-free with no fatalities reported. “As a ministry, we applaud any innovative initiatives that support tourism and we are ready to give support in any way that we can. We plead with all tourism stakeholders that such efforts and ideas should not end here but should continue by being promoted and experienced by emaSwati,” Vilakati said. On behalf of the Riders Ranch, the minister appreciated all sponsors and support agencies that backed the Bikers Rally. He said the ministry was grateful for the active public participation that was observed from emaSwati from various regions of the country. Meanwhile, Director of Swazi Rally Carlos Paiva made a presentation of E10 000 contributions towards the host of this year’s Woman Farmer Competition, which was gathered from the event. mentioned It was received by Woman Farmer Foundation (WFF) Programme Manager Silindelo Nkosi. Paiva mentioned that due to the rally’s beneficiaries who did great work in ensuring food security within the country through sustainable agriculture, the rally’s committee had to come up with an idea of hosting the event so that the foundation could continue with its great work. “Although we would have loved to contribute more towards your course, we were unfortunately met with unforeseen circumstances that have affected the entire globe,” Paiva said.