Times Of Swaziland: ‘MEGA SOUND SHOWS NOT POSSIBLE’ ‘MEGA SOUND SHOWS NOT POSSIBLE’ ================================================================================ Mmeli Mkhwanazi on 31/03/2021 08:19:00 MBABANE – With the current regulations put forth by government, where events are concerned, fun lovers will have to wait even more for any Mega Sound events. It is not an arguable fact in the kingdom that the latter has over the years been synonymous with hosting big events in the country. With this, thousands of emaSwati attend their events whether indoor or outdoor in their numbers. When speaking to the Co-founder of Mega Sound Samkelo ‘Zulu D’ Zulu, he said with the current restrictions government imposed, his events company would not be hosting any events unless the restrictions are eased to accommodate the numbers they attract during their shows. He was asked this question as many emaSwati have since expressed their anticipation for the big events to take place once more such as the Luju Festival, Bushfire Festival, Mega Sound Picnic, and the Gospel Crossover shows among others. prevailing Although this may not be possible with the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic for now, throngs of emaSwati have since declared they want to go back to ‘groove’ all over social media. Explaining the reasoning behind not hosting the shows currently, Zulu said there were two types of events they hosted. In a nightclub setting, he said they attracted quite a number of people which would then mean they would breach the current number of people allowed per venue which is 100. “In a club event, we normally attract 200 to 500 people and if it’s a festival, we get around 500 to 5 000 people so both conditions would not work given the current regulations in place,” he said. ‘Zulu D’ went on to say another big hurdle they faced currently with hosting shows was that it was near impossible to host a show (unless it is a gospel show) without selling alcohol. He mentioned that most of the money was made through alcohol sales more than from gate takings. He likened the current situation to a car with three wheels yet it needed four to be in motion and go forward.