Times Of Swaziland: SABC DENIES PARTNERSHIP WITH ESWATINI SABC DENIES PARTNERSHIP WITH ESWATINI ================================================================================ Nombuso Dlamini and Takhona Sithole on 19/06/2024 10:06:00 MBABANE – In a recent development, a circulating poster claiming to conduct film auditions through a partnership between Eswatini and SABC Production has been debunked as false. The poster, which seeks male and female actors, states that the auditions are scheduled for July 16 at Manzini Central High School. However, both the school and SABC Production have denied any knowledge of such auditions or the alleged partnership. Mpendulo Ndwandwe, the Secretary at Manzini Central High School, stated that any booking for the school’s facilities goes through him. After a thorough investigation and checking all upcoming bookings, it was confirmed that these auditions were not scheduled at the school. Ndwandwe expressed surprise and emphasised that the school had no involvement in the matter. Furthermore, SABC Production, a renowned South African production company, responded to an emailed questionnaire regarding the alleged auditions and partnership. They categorically stated that they were not aware of any such collaboration or auditions taking place. This assertion further casts doubt on the legitimacy of the circulating poster. The auditions, as claimed by the poster, are scheduled to take place on July 16, 2024. However, the lack of confirmation from both the supposed venue and the reputed production company raises concerns about the authenticity of the auditions. Crucial When speaking to seasoned local actor who has been part of international gigs, Sithembiso Kunene, he highlighted that it is crucial for aspiring actors and actresses to exercise caution and verify information before engaging in any auditions to avoid potential scams or false promises. The numbers on the circulating poster were contacted by this publication, one number did not even go through and the other registered number was not answered after numerous attempts to reach them were made. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of due diligence and cross-referencing information. Kunene said aspiring actors and actresses should always verify the legitimacy of auditions through official channels, such as reputable production companies or industry associations. The circulation of false audition claims not only mislead individuals but also tarnish the reputation of genuine production companies and institutions involved in the entertainment industry. It is essential for the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. In conclusion, the circulating poster claiming film auditions through a partnership between Eswatini and SABC Production has been revealed as untrue.