Times Of Swaziland: Big Fish' surprises wife with brand new Rav 4 Big Fish' surprises wife with brand new Rav 4 ================================================================================ NSINDISO TSABEDZE on 11/11/2010 00:00:00 MBABANE – South Africa based local gospel mogul, Sipho ‘Big Fish’ Makhabane surprised his wife with a brand new car for her birthday. Makhabane bought his wife Grace Magagula-Makhabane, one of the new models of the Toyota Rav 4, as a surprise gift for her birthday which was on November 4. According to the retired gospel star, the event was held at White River in Nelspruit, South Africa. The two have been married for 25 years. "She knows me as one person who does not care much about birthdays but I wanted to surprise her on this day and show her how much I appreciate the love and support she has shown to me and my family which lives in Swaziland," he said. Makhabane said other than loving him from when he had nothing and staying happily married to him until now, Grace is also like a second born in his family as she takes care of them and constantly visits them in Swaziland. He said she recently hosted a surprise birthday for his mother and there are a few wives who take of their in-laws as she does, hence she deserved the car. Giving details of the event, Makhabane said: "I had told her I was in Botswana and she believed me. I then sent her a text message telling her how hot it was there and wished her a happy birthday. This made her believe I was really in Botswana. I then arranged with her younger sister’s husband to take her to the place where she would find us waiting for her, under the pretence that they were going out for lunch to celebrate her birthday. I told her about the plans to have them go out since I was not there." Makhabane said his wife went there not knowing he had brought all her family members as well as his family to celebrate together and she was surprised by that. "As she was taking in the shock, I then told her how much I loved and appreciated all that she has done for me and then I told her about the surprise gift and she was very happy," he said. Makhabane said this was the second surprise he has done for his wife as the first was the E2. 5 million double story house he bought and furnished in Johannesburg without her knowledge. He said this was more special because it was her birthday. Meanwhile, he added that he loves his wife because she in not one person who talks much or loves arguments and does not take seriously anything that comes from other people, like the recent media spat he had with Channel S Director, Qhawe Mamba over allegations made by the latter.