Times Of Swaziland: Choral composers to compose at least three songs Choral composers to compose at least three songs ================================================================================ BY NHLANHLA MATHUNJWA on 02/08/2013 04:39:00 MBABANE – Local choral music composers have been instructed to compose at least three songs that would be sung in next year’s schools choral music competition. This year’s competition was sponsored by SwaziBank to the tune of E260 000 and prospects are the bank will continue to sponsor the competition even next year. The local composers were instructed by the Swaziland Schools Culture Music Association (SSCMA) which is in charge of the competition. This was during a meeting between the SSCMA executive and the composers held in Manzini on Wednesday. The composers were asked to compose at least three African songs and thereafter the best two would be chosen and used during the competition. The composers were asked to select the composers who would be in charge of composing the songs. Khonelinkhosi Dlamini, SSCMA President, confirmed that during the meeting, the composers were instructed to compose three songs for the competition. Prepare “We thought we should start preparing for the competition as early as possible. Since we took the decision to have only locally composed songs used in the competition, we thought it would be proper that we involve the composers as early as possible. We have met the composers and informed them that we would like to have the songs ready as soon as possible,” he said. Dlamini said it was agreed that the composers would meet and decide on who would compose each song. “We asked that it should not be one composer but instead it should be different composers in order for the committee to have a choice. Local composers have the talent and we believe they would be able to do the right thing,” he said. Dlamini encourage choir conductors to also continue preparing their choirs on time as the competition has to be the best. “We have had nine competitions before and we have to make sure that the 10th edition is celebrated in style. Since we have involved the composers, we will also be involving the conductors as we have to see to it that it is the best competition,” he said. Manzini Nazarene were crowned the champions of the competition after becoming the overall winners under the champs of champs section.