Times Of Swaziland: So, men with fat wallets are the ‘hotties’ now? So, men with fat wallets are the ‘hotties’ now? ================================================================================ BY NTOMBI MHLONGO on 04/08/2013 04:09:00 It’s Women’s Month so I thought it made sense that we discuss some of the real issues. I know a lot of my female readers will not like this topic because they are as guilty as charged. You all know why, the truth hurts! But that’s okay; no one is perfect on this earth. I had a chat with one of my naughty girls and she told me straight that money is a big turn on for her. I reminded her that during our days while in high school we always said all we wanted were cute boyfriends and not ugly ducklings. “That is no longer the case because most of the cuties are broke. What’s the use of having a cute boyfriend who cannot even give you a few cents to go to the salon and fix the latest Brazilian weave,” my girl said. “Even if he is a good kisser, he can kiss me in all the right places but I will not enjoy the moment because my mind is far away as I am worried about where I will get money for rent,” she went on. Oh well, thanks to money, even the type of men who cannot win in a beauty contest have suddenly become hotter than Brad Pitt. Yes because of his wealth US rapper Rick Ross is a hottie and can date all the young beautiful women out there because the size of his bank account speaks an understandable language. So the wealthier a man is, the more attractive he is in the eyes of a woman. That’s a fact! It obviously means that hundreds of men out there cannot be with the women they really love because they do not have money to take care of them. It also means that others will be dumped when the size of their bank account becomes smaller. Now since we love these men for their wallets now, perhaps the philosophers and psychologists and those who provided us with the English dictionary need to change the old definition of the word ‘love’ because things have changed. In yesteryears the word meant an intense feeling of deep and passionate affection but I doubt it’s the case now. We are living in a new crazy era. This reminds me of one reader of this column who sent me a message and said love is overrated. That’s a subject for another day. Some girls say they will definitely fall in love with the man if he buys her that expensive Mini Cooper and spoils her rotten. But is that true? And should these men still refer to us as their women or just as gold diggers? I know it’s not a good name but the reality is that most women have become just that and they openly tell you that a handsome face and a loyal heart doesn’t pay the bills. I am not a saint myself so I do understand that money is important. It’s human nature that we all want to have money and succeed in life. My only problem though is that our going for the wealthy guys has led to a situation where society no longer has women with ambition and ones who will have the will to work hard in order to succeed. We no longer care to even think about utilising the different skills and talents we have in order to be the best we can be. So since the rich men are taking all the women, what should happen to the broke ones shem? I’m asking this question because it gives me the idea that perhaps the broke ones are being lied to and made to feel like they are being loved when in actual fact they are being used as cheap therapists which is not fair. As you all know, no one is perfect so there is something that the wealthy old gents are not good at so the woman finds herself dating both Mr Fat Wallet and Mr Loyal But Broke which becomes a problem at some point. What do you think? Email your comments to ntombimhlongo@yahoo.com or send a whatsapp to 76029993