Times Of Swaziland: SA’S BOJO MUJO A NO- SHOW, FANS GO VIOLENT SA’S BOJO MUJO A NO- SHOW, FANS GO VIOLENT ================================================================================ BY PHUMZILE NDLOVU on 03/03/2014 04:52:00 MBABANE – Angry fans turned violent at the New Bend Inn after it was announced that South African Bojo Mujo was no longer coming to perform. Bojo Mujo was supposed to perform at New Bend Inn in Big Bend on Friday night for his CD launch and over 300 tickets had been sold. The fans damaged property at the Bend Inn and the music system after it had been announced around 1am that Bojo Mujo was not going to perform. The damage caused is estimated to be around E14 000, while the sound system the speakers to be precise, are estimated to be E9 000. The double show was set for last week Friday and Saturday. It was hosted by Beyond Imagination Events for New Bend Inn (Big Bend) and Gobolondlo Hall (Pigg’s Peak). DJ DD Cool whose real name is Mdumiseni Simelane, the chief organiser, confirmed there was violence and that some of the equipment was vandalised. According to one of the organisers Rylo Shongwe, he said: “The fans weren’t impressed when we announced that Bojo Mujo was no longer coming.” He further alleged that the South African artist experienced car problems which is why he couldn’t perform for the first show. Shongwe said the police had to be called in to maintain peace around 2am. “The fans started throwing beer bottles at us and damaged the property at the Bend Inn, they also damaged our speakers.” He went on to say after the police managed to calm down the situation, they had to close around 3am. Notice He said they did not replace the South African artist with any big name as it was short notice for them. He said the local deejays that were on the line up played before it was announced that the main act was no longer coming. Bojo Mujo’s new CD titled ‘Bojolution Activator 2’ is his first release in two years after his famous tracks ‘Shine on me’ and ‘Marry me’ among others. In this album he features DJ MaEali and the first single for this album will be ready by the end of the week. ... Manager blames promoters MBABANE – Bojo Mujo’s Manager Sello Lehlake said they did not receive the money for the rental of the car he was supposed to use on time. Lehlake blamed the promoters for not sticking to the contract that he sent them. He said this gave the artist and the managers a bad name. “Promoters do not read the contracts we send them, and then they blame us if artists do not show up at events.” He went on to say their contract clearly states that for their artist to perform at a show he needs to be paid two weeks prior. Lehlake said the promoters only paid for the car rental at 4pm on Friday. He said he alerted them around 6pm that there was no way the artist could make it on time, as they had paid late. “I tried to contact them the whole week about the rental and the balance for him to perform, and he tried to negotiate that he will pay the balance when Bojo gets there (Swaziland).”