Times Of Swaziland: TOWERING BEAUTY SIPHOSETHU TOWERING BEAUTY SIPHOSETHU ================================================================================ BY PHUMZILE NDLOVU on 16/03/2014 06:37:00 She first hit the spotlight as the All star soccer ladies team during the SwaziBank Cup final, then she made her way through to be one of the best as a top five contender at Miss Uniswa freshers Beauty Pageant. This weekend she took it home as the ultimate winner as she was announced Miss Intervarsity 2014, Siphosethu Matsebula is a towering beauty with brains as well. The Bachelor of Social Sciences student is still ecstatic about her win and thanks her friends for motivating her through it all. “I am still reeling in excitement, I do not believe I made it as I did not expect it especially after missing out of the Miss Uniswa title. I am so glad my friends persuaded me to continue on as I really had not planned on taking part,” she smiles. The 19-year-old had a dramatic crowning with all the booes that came from the crowd after her name was announced but she took it all in her stride and smiled right through it. “Actually the booes from the Lesotho crowd just made me more aware that this was all real I had made it! Also words of wisdom from chorographer Ayanda Dube really helped. She told all of that not everyone would be happy or be in support so we must expect anything, so when I received the negative vibes I brushed them off and just enjoyed my moment,” she adds.. Sethu also believes that her mother and grandmother have nurtured her to be the strong woman she is. I am one woman who has no desire to be everyone’s favourite or have people say nothing but good about me because my mother told me from an early age that if people have nothing negative to say about you then surely you are not true to yourself. As different characters, are agitated by different traits in one. The young beauty is set on enjoying her reign as Miss Intervarsity is all about fun and simply mingling with the students from the other Boleswa countries. “I am set on focusing my energy on my studies as it is I was finishing up an assignment because as we know the examinations are just around the corner. “I can say that we all had fun during the intervarsity but it’s now time to hit the books and study hard so as to make our parents proud.”