Times Of Swaziland: YES, IT IS DEMOCRACY YES, IT IS DEMOCRACY ================================================================================ By Philile Masango on 11/02/2017 05:09:00 So, for the third year in a row this Thursday, we witnessed the organised chaos that has become the official opening of the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. And subsequently for three years running we’ve watched the misplaced excitement of fellow Swazis mockingly quip; “So this is democracy?”… “If this is what democracy is like, then no thanks”…Well hell yes, it is democracy. Julius Malema and co’s democracy is in fact, the very same democracy that allows you to drive from Mbabane to Nelspruit for shopping at your favourite Riverside and Ilanga Malls. It is the very same democracy that has you coercing your secret lover to drive you to the big city lights of Johannesburg for a Chris Brown concert. This democracy that has Mmusi Maimane and Mosia Lekota walking out on the giggling President Zuma before he starts delivering his State Of The Nation Address is the same ‘democrazy’ - as some even call it – that has you making plans for a friecation or baecation to the beautiful Cape Town. This democracy of Jacob Zuma and Hellen Zille is the same one that allows your children to return home to you in Swaziland bearing luxurious fruits of their ‘Actuarial Scientist’ academic qualification, which they otherwise could not have had if they studied in the kingdom. It is this democracy that you describe as chaotic and disrespectful that makes you CHOOSE to send your child to a high school in South Africa so that they can write Matric exams which will enable them easy access into a South African university. This democracy of shack dwelling and xenophobic South Africans is the very one that has Swazis beaming with pride when they hear official public mention of the late King Sobhuza II’s role in helping to acquire it. Yes, it is the democracy of Maleven and all the other dangerous criminals in South Africa that still has many Swazis asking each other, “Fana ngingayitfola kanjani nje i-ID yase South Africa nami sengimane ngisebente ngakhona?” (How can I acquire a South African ID for myself?).